No, don't, never (NSFW)

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They are happy that the wedding they fought for was now in motion. Three months. They only have that short amount of time to put in the effort on the preparation. There were times that they don't have any clue on what was going on or what to do next, thankfully their parents are there.

Do this here, pick one that. The couple was so busy from the meetings, discussions, and testing for the things and activities all pertaining to the wedding.


The chilly late afternoon wind came uninvited through the window. Eddy wanted to close them but was so tired to move.

They just arrived home from another seminar. Those boring seminars. Brett sat slouching on one end of the couch; Eddy plopped belly first, head on the other end. They didn't even bother to call out if there were other people around, they just were so exhausted.

For these past few days, the preparations kept them busy resulting in having fewer times to be alone or not disturbed. This little time frame they had, alone to themselves, was a rare moment.

"Eddy," Brett called.

"Hm?" He answered, turned his head to Brett. Eddy was in the middle of composing a message to his sister on his phone.

Brett raised his arms, wide, waited for a hug from the other. He was so tired to move. He wanted a hug, to cuddle maybe. He did a small nod, a gesture for Eddy to come over.

"Cute." He smiled. With no reason to refuse, Eddy did so. He left his phone on the coffee table. Shifted his position towards his lover. Now Eddy was on top of Brett, hugged him as he was told. Buried his face to his neck and inhaled his scent. "You smell nice." He whispered to Brett's skin.

He wrapped his arms around Eddy. "Hmmm..." A low hum from Brett. A sign that he was getting comfortable on the weight of his lover on top of him. Not minding that he'd end up with a stiff neck in this position, Brett planned to sleep right there on the spot. It was too cozy and warm that he was starting to doze off.

The world seemed to go down in volume. The arms around Eddy were slowly slipping off, one successfully hit the floor. The breathing under him lowered, steadied, replaced by a quiet snore. Eddy closed his eyes too. Both drifted to sleep.


Slowly Brett opened his eyes. It was dark and quiet. He reached for Eddy's phone on the coffee table. The sudden brightness made him squint. Checked the time: 2:27 AM. He groaned.

Moments later the body on top of his shift. "Mmmm..." Looked at him, eyes half-closed. "What time is it?" Eddy rubbed his eyes.

"2 AM," Brett ran his hand through his partner's hair, "go back to sleep."

Eddy sat up, still on top of Brett. Stretched out his arms. He looked around, the windows were shut. Yang-mama had closed them when they were asleep, maybe. Then he looked back at Brett,
"I ran out of sleepiness to sleep on." He said.

"Same." As he was about to sit up, "Ow!" Sharp pain in the neck interrupted him. His face contorted, Brett put a hand on the aching part.

"You ok?"

"Yeah..." Brett sat up, holding on to his sore neck. "Stiff neck."

Eddy chuckled. "Let's put ice on that, yeah?" About to head to the kitchen.

"Nah. It'll be gone." Brett stopped him.

Eddy sighed, he knew Brett won't really, he didn't push it farther. "If you say so..."


Both lied down on the bed. Eddy on his side, Brett on his back. Brett's hand still on his neck for every time he tried to move his head it hurt. Eddy looked at his partner worryingly.

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