Mother knows best

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The couple went to Brett's appointments together, practiced together, ate together, did errands together. Basically, every single day that you would see a Brett, there's always an Eddy with him. Inseparable.


Eddy pushed the cart absentmindedly all while he checked the list of groceries Yang-mama gave them. Intently he stared at the piece of crumpled paper. "Eggs, check. Onions, check. Cabbage..." he mumbled.

Brett walked beside him, quietly. Looking down on his fingers, he fumbled with his ring lightly and sneaked a glance at Eddy.

How could you not stare at Eddy Chen? He has those feline eyes that both can be kind, sweet, and sexy and dominating without him being aware of it; a natural adept at charming. The soft fluff of locks on his head, something you would always want to run your hair into, simply irresistible. His voice, as if it weren't alluring before, that spoke so low and slow, cautious of his tone and words, and careful of his volume. Brett can't help but be drawn to it. The smooth silk-like sound created a cadence of words that no matter the context it had, it made his cheeks heat up, dry his throat, moisten his--

"Bread is on aisle seven, " he said softly, stuffed the piece of paper on his jeans' pocket. Eddy then turned to his side, to Brett, beamed the shorter a smile and pushed the cart towards their destination.

Stunned on whatever reason there was, Brett, stood on his spot. Put his hands on his face for he knew his cheeks were turning pink. Confused, 'What the hell!? What should you blushing about BREAD?!!'

"You coming?" Eddy asked turning around to Brett.

"Ye-yeah!" he half-ran to him.


The couple sat side by side at their favorite table on the coffee shop. Eddy wrote down notes for the live stream they promised the fans when they returned. The couple had been inactive with their YouTube channel for almost a year now. Eddy racked his brains for schedules, ideas and such. All while Brett chomped down on his cake.

Brett contributed to the brainstorming though, but most of the time distracted for he'd always caught himself staring at his lover. Took note of how Eddy bit his lips ever so often as he worked his brains out. The now moist and slightly red pout sprang back to its position when he let go. Unknowingly Brett bit his lip too.

Tapping his pen to the paper, Eddy turned to Brett, "How about we make an announce..." his voice trailed off when his eyes laid on him.

Averting Eddy's gaze, Brett looked up the ceiling. He seemed to be deeply admiring it. With his left hand lightly stroked his chin while the other played with his fork.

He let out a soft chuckle, "What's so interesting up there?" Eddy inquired and looked up the ceiling himself. 'Brett had been so cute lately,' he thought.

"The..." Brett searched the God damn ceiling for something to say. His eyes roamed the cream finished soffit, looked for anything interesting. Found one. "The trimmings... Yeah..." Wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Smiling, "Yeah, the trimmings framed the simple chandelier," he glanced at Brett then his eyes went back to the ceiling and continued, "it creates the illusion of being a separate space..."

He listened to Eddy. He really did, but the movement of his lips as he talked, the bobbing of his Adam's apple been more prominent for he was looking up, and the frequent licking of his lips; oh God that, yeah that, distracted him further. He fixed his glasses nervously.


"Why do I feel this way?" Brett asked loudly, as he sipped his bubble tea and chewed on the pearls.

Eddy went to his folks, for Chen-mama asked him for an errand of some sort. The older Yang brought home bubble tea. With Eddy being out of the house, Brett drank his share.

"Maybe because you're not used to seeing him, " older Yang crossed his arms and leaned his back to the sofa, "I mean it took a long time before you can look at him properly again."

Brett put his half-finished bubble tea on the coffee table, "Maybe? You're a doctor and you say 'maybe?'" he mocked.

Older Yang shook his head and sighed, "Me being a doctor got nothing to do with it."

From the kitchen, Yang-mama sat on the sofa and joined the two. From their conversation earlier she added, "Maybe because you're falling in love with him again?" as she picked up her share of the bubble tea from the coffee table.

Brett blushed at the remark.

He snapped his fingers, "Yeah! That's it!" agreeing with his mother. "Mother really knows best!" he smiled.

Sipping her bubble tea she commented, "That's not how you use that quote, son."

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