The other side too

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There were times when Brett would stay over at Eddy's that he'd treat them to pizza. Especially when his sister helped them as an accompanist when their pianist isn't available.

He would also help out on small chores in the house while waiting for Eddy. Also when there are celebrations and such, where Chen-mama would need additional hands.

The stories Chen-papa that would repeat over and over, even Chen-mama and Eddy were so tired of hearing, he listened to them, over snacks or drinks. There are lessons to be learned in them, from his preferences, interests, and experiences.


While Brett waited for Eddy, he went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water for himself.

"You're cooking up something aren't you, Brett?" Chen-mama asked as they were the only ones in there.

He was drinking, when he heard her, Brett turned to Chen-mama. He put the glass down, 'I'm found out? It's not really a secret but...' "Ma'am, I'm--"

"Hey Brett, let's go." Eddy cheerily called out from the kitchen entrance. He forgot to bring his phone, so he went to get it from his room earlier.

"Yeah... Sure..." Brett's eyes moved from Chen-mama to Eddy then back to her. Not sure if he'll go with him, or answer her question.

In a hurry, Eddy grabbed Brett by the wrist, "Come on." And pulled him out of the kitchen straight to the main door. His mom followed to see them out.

When they were about to go out, Chen-mama said, "Eddy will be back by 9 PM." As she wiped her hands with her apron.

"Why do I have a curfew now, mom?" Eddy asked, confused.

"Ask that guy over there." She pointed to Brett.

Eddy then turned to Brett.

"That... Uhh..."

A shout from upstairs was heard. "Bring back ice cream with you!"

Chen-mama opened the door for the two. "So, bring back Eddy by 9 PM with ice cream. Okay?" She told Brett, push the pair out of the door then closed it.


Out of the blue Yang-mama enrolled Brett to a matchmaking service. How did he know? It was when he received an e-mail with the profile of his first date on Wednesday. Some pictures of the girl included. Not really interested but he checked on them anyway.

"What's this? A curriculum vitae?" He commented on the profile page included in the e-mail. Scrolled down some more, there were the girls modeled pictures. "Looks like copy-pasted pictures from facebook, geez."

Brett stopped looking. He buried his face in his hands, "Ugh, this type of girl is what mom wants for me huh?" 'Not good at all.'

His phone vibrated. Brett fished it out of his pocket and read the message. "Go to your date this Wednesday or I'll pluck your teeth." He sighed.

Having no choice, he went.

The restaurant agreed to meet up upon was within his neighborhood. Even he was reluctant, he still went early. He sat on the table near the window so can look outside when he spaced out. Yeah, he thought of that.

Brett was bored out of his mind. 'I wish I just practiced with Eddy.' he thought as he was staring out of the window of the restaurant. He strayed away from spacing out when he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned to where the sound was coming from, he saw...

"Oh, hi Brett!" Eddy's sister greeted.

"Hi." He answered back.

"You're Pamela's date right?"

"Pamela?" Brett checked the profile he printed. "Oh yeah, Pamela."

She sat down. "What? You didn't even bother to know her name."

"Why you're here?" He looked around, looking for someone.

"Pam sent me here to check on her date." She smiled at Brett. "I'll just go tell her that you're no good then."

"Thanks." He smiled back.

"Just bring bubble tea the next time you come to the house."

"Sure thing."

And with that, the date ended. Brett didn't go to any other scheduled dates after that.


The next day, Brett brought the agreed bubble tea. Chen-papa saw him and thought that he is courting his daughter.

"Hey there, Brett." He greeted. Walking towards him.

"Good morning, sir." He politely greeted back.

Chen-papa put his arm around Brett's shoulder, squeezed him a bit. "Come on, let's talk." He tipped his head to the direction of the garden.

Trapped. Brett walked with him.

The two went to the garden. The sun was half-hidden by the clouds, not hot nor dark. Chen-papa checked if they were within the hearing range of the people inside the house. Approximately not, he let go of Brett.

Brett let out a relieved sigh. As quick as it was out, the nervousness came. He unknowingly straightened his posture and fixed his clothes.

Chen-papa cleared his throat. "It has been not without notice, Brett." He took a deep breath. "I'll go straight to the point. What are your intentions?"

Scared. "Sir..." he can't look at him. It was a cool day, but Brett was sweating lots. There were plenty of things he wanted to say or ask, but his lips betray him. They tremble and stutter, ate the words he wanted to speak of.

He crossed his arms. "You know, I only have one daughter--"

"Sir, I love Eddy and--"

They spoke at the same time. They were both startled by what the other said and they heard.

"You? Eddy?" Chen-papa shouted.

"Si- sir...?" Brett raised his arms in surrender for Eddy's dad walks towards him, angrily.

The sky was indeed a mix of blue and white. The weather was not too hot or dark. The grass felt soft under his back. His throbbing forehead and misplaced glasses are all he can feel on his face.

Brett received a headbutt.

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