I don't even like them

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She called various agencies, looked for reasonable prices. Yeah, Yang-mama was that of a thrifty spender.

Yang-mama concentrated hard as she looked for a wedding organizer on the internet. She scrolled and scrolled. Visited lots of websites. Even called some relatives for recommendations.

She leaned back on the computer chair. Swiveled. Sighed. Pinched the bridge of her nose. "I won't be expecting much help from both..." She mumbled under her breath.


They were with Chen-mama in a tailor's shop, where Eddy would have his commercially bought or internet 2nd hand suits to be tailored. Since the owner and Chen-mama are mahjong buddies, she has privilege discount.

The shop was a small one, had three workstations with busy tailors cutting, sewing, dresses. All around the shop was rolled textiles neatly arranged on the shelves, with varying thickness and colors. If there were no sewing machines around, you'd think it was a cloth shop.

"Amiga!" a big-bodied tailor, with her measuring tape and a long necklace, tangled together, dangled as she walked cheerily towards and greeted Chen-mama, as she entered the shop with the boys. They hugged a bit and kissed cheek to cheek. "It's been so long since your last visit here."

"We played tiles last Wednesday!" Chen-mama countered, her hand playfully hit the tailor's shoulder. Both laughed heartily.

Her attention turned to the boys behind Chen-mama. "Eddy!" She hugged him and also gave a cheek to cheek kiss with Eddy leaning his cheeks to meet the tailors'. Her eyes turned to the man beside him, "and...?"

"My fiancé, Brett Yang." Eddy supplied.

Brett gave a small nod as a greeting.

The all so friendly tailor also gave him a hug and the cheek to cheek kiss. Brett almost scoots back as doesn't want the sudden closeness. She let go of Brett and lead them to her workstation.


Chen-mama was seated on the sofa, that served as a waiting area, by the entrance of the shop. Brett joined her when the tailor finished taking his measurements. Now it was Eddy's turn.

"Brett, which one of these two would you want as the lining of the suit?" Chen-mama asked as she held up two small patterned cloth samples stapled on a piece of thick paper. "Rayon or Silk?" She read the kind of cloth indicated on the board.

Brett stared at the samples, touched them both. Smooth but different, even the patterns. He thought people won't be seeing this part of the suit, so why bother? "Anything will do."

She shook her head. "Eddy!" Chen-mama shouted to his son's direction.


"What flowers do you want as the centerpiece on the dining tables?" Yang-mama asked Brett as she browsed the catalog the organizer handed her.

The couple with Yang-mama were seated at the wedding organizer's office. All around them are samples of various cloth, ribbons, paper mesh, flowers, decorations, figurines, cards, dresses, and suits, etc. They were overloaded with textures and visuals. A bit messy to look at.

The room smelled of varying materials and various perfumes combined. Suffocating. Eddy cleared his throat as he looked at the bundled plastic flowers on the corner, dusty.

With his all so famous deadpan face, Brett turned to his mother and answered, "Roses are the only flowers I know, and I don't even like them."

That instant a vein popped out from Yang-mama's forehead. She turned to Eddy, "How about you, Eddy?"

"Well... Umm..." Saw that Yang-mama was kind of pissed off, he settled for what he thought was a safe answer, "Miss coordinator, what flowers are in season right now?"


Brett and Eddy sat side by side on the living room sofa. It was the afternoon at the Yang residence, the couple just got home, back from another busy day.

With tired eyes and defeated posture, Brett held a hand to his head. He sighed.

Eddy turned to his partner, put a hand on his back. Patted him. He said uplifting, convincing words to him. Felt that it was not enough, he hugged him.

Brett leaned into the embrace. The smell of citrus and mint from Eddy calmed him. He hugged Eddy back.

Eddy rested his chin on Brett's shoulder and took a deep breath. "Our moms don't hate you, Brett."

Brett chuckled a little for his lover's chin on his shoulder tickled him while he was talking. "I know," he paused, mused for a bit, "but they don't like my answers."

Eddy laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Almost a shout, Brett slightly frustrated. "That Lily Ivory and Winter Morning colors both looked white to me!"

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