1|Peter Parker x reader

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You looked at yourself in the mirror, anxiously switching in and out of dresses. You still couldn't believe that tonight, after six years of having a secret crush on him, you were finally going out with Peter. You were practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. It felt like only yesterday you were fantasising your first date with him, and now you were actually going on your first date. After days that felt like years, and hours that felt like weeks, you were going to go out with him in less than two hours. Peter had insisted he plan the date and had completely left you in the dark about everything. The only thing you knew was what time he was coming to pick you up. You finally decided on a red short sleeve dress with a leather jacket and cute black boots. When you finished getting ready, it was like time had stopped moving completely. The hands on the clock moved so slowly that you checked to make sure it was right twice. Finally, after what felt like forever, the doorbell rang. You raced to get it and opened the door to see Peter wearing black jeans, a white shirt and a light blue jean jacket. He smiled at you, holding a bouquet of chocolate roses. He laughed as you squealed delightedly and grabbed the chocolates. "I didn't think you would want to hold flowers the entire time on our date, so I made you a few chocolate roses." He pointed at three slightly misshapen roses. "I made those for you, but the ladies at the chocolate shop insisted they make the rest," he laughed. You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, I love it. They're perfect." He smiled and offered his arm. You accepted it, ecstatic that this was finally happening and walked to his car. He opened the door for you, bowing. "Ma'am," he said, with a twinkle in his eye. You raised your head haughtily and got in the car, trying not to laugh. As he got into his seat, you looked at him, still not quite believing all of this was real. "Looking at how handsome I am?" he joked. You shoved him. "Yes, actually," you admitted, laughing at the surprise on his face. He stared at you for the longest time. "Wow," he whispered. "You look beautiful." You smiled. "Eyes on the road mister, let's get going," you said, giddy with excitement. "Of course. At your command, my lady," he said teasingly. As you drove farther away from your house, you bombarded Peter with questions. "Where are we going? The beach? Bowling? Dinner?" He shoved you gently. "Shut up, I can't focus," he said as you huffed in fake annoyance. As you neared a beautiful bright Ferris Wheel, your eyes lit up. "Are we going to a fair???" You asked excitedly. He smiled and said nothing. As you walked into the brightly lit fair with games and food booths, you raced around, dragging Peter along. "Look at the stuffed shark!!" You squealed. "It's so cute!!" He laughed, wrapping his arms around you. "You're one of the only girls I know that would rather have a shark than some form of a bear." You smiled teasingly. "Are you gonna win the shark for me or what Parker?" He laughed. "How cliche. You could probably get win in one shot and we both know it," he sighed. "Yeah, well I want to let you feel manly for once," you said. Being with Peter was amazing. You were already so comfortable with him, it just felt new and a little different, but with none of the awkwardness. After three rounds, you finally got your stuffed shark, squeezing the giant shark. After countless games and food booths, the sun began to set. You smiled. "That was one hell of a first date Parker," you sighed contently. He grabbed your hand and walked to the Ferris Wheel. "Just one last thing."

The two of you got in the Ferris Wheel, watching the vibrant sunset. "I love that there's no cage surrounding us, we can see everything clearly," you sighed. You turned to look at Peter gazing at you with adoring eyes. "Yup, I can see beauty at its finest. All the reds, yellows and oranges on your face." You laughed. You leaned towards each other, sharing a perfect kiss. You pulled away, dazed. "Peter Parker, who knew you were such a romantic dork," you said with a ridiculous grin on your face. Being with him felt right. You put your head on his shoulder as the two of you watched your first night as a couple end as the sun disappeared.

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