45| Peter Parker x reader

512 7 0

pairing: peter x reader

summary: stargazing with peter

word count: 355


"Do you believe in soulmates?" You asked distantly, head gazing up at the night sky. It looked beautiful. Stars decorated the sky like little birthmarks, clustering and gathering in different ways to form constellations that you couldn't even identify. "I do, but not exactly in the way most people do." Peter replied, hands resting behind his head. You hummed in reply, your stare remaining upwards. You waited for him to elaborate. "I think soulmates aren't just someone you're in love with. It's someone you can resonate deeply with. Someone who is a counterpart in your life who you learn and grow from. Someone who understands you for who you are, and the morals you hold. A soulmate to me is someone who not necessarily shares your exact way of living, but compliments it instead."

"Am I your soulmate?" You questioned as soon as he finished.

"Yes." He responded after a beat.

You rolled over to face him then, trying to hide the blush that was beginning to coat your cheeks. Peter turned his head to face you.

"Seriously?" You whispered. He nodded at you, laughing quietly as a smile spread widely across his lips. "One hundred percent," he confirmed quietly, propping himself up onto his elbow to look at you properly. "Well I think you're my soulmate too."

"Good. If we are soulmates, then you won't mind this then." Peter began to lean in with the sudden burst of adrenaline pumping through his veins. We was never usually this sly. He was the awkward boy from Queens, quiet and geeky. He wasn't smooth and charming.

"Not at all." Your lips ghosted against Peter's for a moment before you finally broke the barrier. Your lips came together sweetly, one of your hands immediately going to his hair. The kiss went for a while, leaving the two of you shocked. "I love you, soulmate." Peter murmured kindly, pulling your body closer to his.

"I thought soulmates weren't just someone you were in love with." You quoted, smirking halfheartedly at the boy. He rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss onto your forehead.

"Love is just a perk, sweetheart."

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