16| Thor x Tony x reader

521 15 0

pairing: Tony x reader

summary: your brother, Thor, taking you to earth to meet the avengers

word count:1125


It had been days since the fire. Days since the fire consumed your workshop on Asgard. Days since your life went up in flames. Everything you loved, all of your projects and gadgets, were gone. The fire had spared nothing.

The only thing keeping you from breaking down was your brother, Thor. He had tried to cheer you up since your workshop had burned to ashes, but nothing worked. "Please, Y/N," he coaxed gently. "Let's do something today." You couldn't bring yourself to move, and didn't respond. "That is it," Thor said. "We are going to have fun. Come on, let's go." You shook your head and sighed. "It's not that simple," you said, "I was the best engineer on Asgard, and now..." You gestured helplessly out the window, to where your workshop had once stood. "Come on," Thor said, tugging at your arm. "I am taking you to Earth." That got your attention. Thor had regaled you with stories of the Avengers ever since he became one of them. You had begged for him to take you on his next mission, but he always refused, taking his role as protective older brother a little too seriously. "What happened to Earth being too dangerous?" you questioned. Thor shrugged. "We will be safe with the Avengers," he said. "Should anything bad happen, they are the people you want to be with." At this, you threw your arms around Thor's neck. Along with wanting to visit Earth, you had wanted to meet the Avengers for as long as you could remember. "Oh, thank you, thank you," you said. Thor chuckled. "Does this mean you are feeling better?" he asked hopefully. You sat back, thinking of all that had happened in the past week. Your workshop had burned to ashes, leaving you with nothing. Your brother was a constant source of comfort, and now he was taking you to Earth to meet the Avengers. "Yes," you said decisively. "Yes, I am feeling much better." The journey to Earth had been quick and surprisingly painless. When you pointed this out to Thor, he chuckled. "It was not this way when Odin sent me here the first time," he laughed. "Welcome to New York!" You looked around to see a large metropolis of tall buildings. "Those are called skyscrapers," Thor said, pointing. The skyscrapers were even bigger than the ones on Asgard. One building in particular rose high above the rest. It was oddly shaped, with a large platform sticking out of it. It had a symbol in the shape of an A on the side, displayed proudly for the whole city to see. You pointed. "What is that?" you asked. Thor put an arm around your shoulders and squeezed. "That, dear sister, is Avengers Tower. We will be staying there for the duration of our journey. Now come, I promised Tony we would meet him and his friends for dinner."

By the time you finally got to the restaurant, Thor's friends were already there. You watched in amusement as he ran toward them, almost tripping over an old woman with a cane. "Thor!" A man in a rumpled looking blazer and glasses greeted him. "Hello, Banner," Thor replied. The man gestured to where you were standing behind your brother. "Who's this?" he asked. Thor put an arm around your shoulders, forcing you to come closer. "This is my dear sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Tony, Natasha, Steve, Clint, and Banner." The man in the glasses waved to you. "Just Bruce is fine," he said. The man that Thor had introduced as Tony Stark smiled at you and gestured to an empty chair. "Take a seat," he said. -time skip-

"You Midgardians sure know how to eat," you joked. It was after dinner, and you were walking to Tony's car. "Granted, we don't usually have four course meals," Steve said. "Well I'm stuffed," Clint declared. Natasha, the only other female in the group, laughed at him. "That's because you ate two desserts," she teased. You laughed at the easy way your new friends teased each other. It was a welcome distraction from all that had been going on on Asgard in the past week. Your brother seemed happier too, lighter somehow now that he was with his friends again. The only one who had barely spoken all night was Tony. All throughout dinner, you had noticed him sighing a lot and staring anxiously at his phone. Now, as you reached his car, he pointed at it and said, "Get in, everyone." You watched as Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, and Thor climbed into the backseat. "I'm not sure if there's room for me," you noted, watching everyone squishing against each other in order to fit. Tony opened the passenger door to his car. "Don't be silly, you can sit here," he said, pointing. Gratefully, you smiled and climbed into the car. Every so often, during the drive to the Avengers Tower, you would glance over at Tony to see if you could decipher what he was thinking, but his eyes stayed glued to the road, and eventually you gave up and closed your eyes.

When you finally made it back to the Tower, you looked for Thor, but you couldn't find him. You saw Clint and Natasha decorating the Christmas tree, but Thor was nowhere in sight. Hearing faint music in the distance, you followed it, thinking Thor may be where the music was. You followed the music downstairs, where you were greeted by the sight of Tony playing around with his suit. He put on his helmet, and immediately flew to the other side of the room, hitting the wall just inches from where you stood. "Oof," he muttered as he got up. "Um, Tony?" Hesitantly, you stepped further into the room, drawing his attention to you. "Do you need help with that?" you asked, pointing to Tony's helmet. He pulled it off and set it on a nearby workbench, regarding you with a suspicious stare. "And what would you know about fixing high tech helmets?" he asked. Instead of responding, you grabbed a few of his tools and got to work. Tony crossed his arms and watched you work, but didn't stop you from touching his helmet. A few minutes later, you stepped back from the bench and presented the helmet to Tony. "That should be better," you said. "How... how did you know to do that?" Tony asked. You could see him starting to relax, but he still seemed hesitant to trust you. "I was an engineer on Asgard," you replied, fingering a screwdriver. This seemed to relax Tony further. He uncrossed his arms and smiled at you. "Oh yeah?" he said. "Tell me more."

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