32| clint x reader

399 9 0

pairing: clint x daughter reader

summary: finding old family videos

word count: 706

A/N: changed the style a little bit (you'll probably notice every few chapters i change the style a little)


You'd been filtering through old boxes at home to find an old gift you'd made for your father Clint, when they fell out. Old video tapes dated at the years when you were little. Brushing off the dust you search for a few minutes before finding the camera they were recorded on. It surprised you the batteries in it still worked as you slide the first tape in and pressed play. On the screen starts playing a video of you and your parents at the beach, you had to be no more than 3 at the time. Behind the camera you hear Clints voice talking to you in a silly way as you run around away from your mother giggling wildly. You smile as you see yourself fall over and scramble to your feet again still laughing. Picking up another tape you play it, Christmas the label had read. This time your mother was recording it. Clint sits with a 6 year old you as you open a present eagerly. Letting it a squeal little you jumps around with joy, that was the day you got your first bow.

Y/n: Thank you mama and papa!

Little you saying before running to you mother and hugging her.

C: Merry Christmas sweetie

The video ends leaving you with a few tears in your eyes. Wiping them away softly you put in the last tape not bothering to read the label. Pressing play you see your mother setting up the camera seemingly hidden before shouting for Clint.

C: Hey honey what's up?

Y/m/n: open this.

She says handing him a box. With a curious look on his face he removes this lid and gasps loudly.

C: No way!! You're pregnant? We're having a baby!!!?

He shouts excitedly, you mother nods tears in her eyes.

C: I'm going to be a dad!!!! Oh my god!!! I love you so much.

Lifting your mother he spins her around a few times before they share a cute kiss. Grabbing the camera your mother looks in to the lens and says.

Y/m/n: To what ever we have named you, I hope that when you watch this you are happy. I want to tell you now that you know that we've meant it from day one, we love you with all our hearts and we will try our best to make your life as fun and enjoyable as we can.

C: I'm going to be a dad!

You can hear Clint keep squealing in the back ground.

Y/m/n: Mama loves you sweetie.

The screen goes black leaving you in silence. You'd lost your mother a few years ago so to have something from her that addressed you directly made you both happy and sad. A few tears run down your cheeks as you start to replay the video.

Hearing soft crying from your room Clint walks in filled with concern before he hears what you're watching. Sitting next to you he pulls you in to a soft hug letting you cry in to his shirt.

C: I know I miss her too.

He says rubbing your back before you sit up a little. Sniffling you look back at the little screen and smile seeing your dad jump around in childish excitement.Y/n: You really we're excited weren't you?You giggle, sniffling again. Clint laughs softly and nods looking at his younger self jump around for joy.C: Yeah well how couldn't I be? Look at the amazing kid I have. I'd say I was under reacting if you asked me. And hey, you Mum adored you from the second she knew you were going to exist. She'd be so proud of how well you've turned out. I'm sorry she got so sick...Trailing off Clint looks down at his hand, he still wore his wedding ring.Y/n: She'd be proud of both of us dad. C: Yes she would. Now are those two other tapes I see?The two of you sit together laughing over the videos of your childhood, shedding a few tears also. Life without your mother was difficult but you had the best father would could have ever wished for, Clint Barton.

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