65| Peter Quill

287 2 0

pairing: N/A

summary: peter, ina trance, marching into the ocean

word count: 350


Everyone seemed to be in a trance. Nobody looked up, they didn't bother to, they couldn't think to. The line lead out into a sea, creatures of all kind following each other into the water, the next person but a few feet in front of the last. Luckily for Quill he was miles away from the end of lands, his ocean grave was a fair while away. He got closer and closer and soon he was facing the sand and he found himself subconsciously asking himself the question, "why?" Out of the corner of his eye he sees a spaceship in the sky. He hears a familiar voice, he isn't sure whether it's in his head or actually there, but it says "follow me instead!" The emotionless marchers chant the phrase, "THIS LINE'S THE ONLY WAY!" The wages of war started among the ringleaders of the whole brainwashing and the spaceship. The marchers continued their mantra, making Quill focus his attention back on the ocean shore, starting down the sand, towards the end of lands.
But then again the voice that might only be in his head, "follow me instead." It was only soft, calm.
But then as it noticed that he could hear it, it became louder, a continuous chant, "Follow me instead.
Follow me instead!
FOLLOW ME INSTEAD!" He broke free of the manipulation and metaphorical chains, now waist deep in water. He looked around himself at all the people marching into the sea, and did all he could, "FOLLOW ME INSTEAD!" He was shouting it now, all the remaining marchers finally coming to their senses.
After everyone that was left was sorted out, the spaceship lifted him up and sealed the door. He hugged his friends, the people who were looking out for him, the guardians. "Thanks for putting me back in my place, now I can start another day." He laughed. "Half that line is dead. I don't wanna march here anymore." Once he was alone later he said thankfully to the voice in his head, "I'll follow you instead."

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