72| Bucky Barnes x reader

588 10 1

summary: someone walking in on you asleep ontop of bucky

word count: 2203


You laid on your bed, just scrolling through your phone. Suddenly you heard a knock on the door. "Come in" you said, hard enough for them to hear. The door opened and you looked up from your phone. Bucky was standing in the doorway, leaning against it. "Hi" you greeted your best friend. "Hey" he replied, a big smile on his face. You sat up straight as he walked over to you. "What are you smiling about" you asked, the corners of your mouth going up as well now. "I'm going to take you out to dinner tonight" he said, his tone making clear there was no way you could negotiate yourself out of this one. You loved his spontaneous ideas, but didn't always want to go out in public. You were an Avenger and therefore always had people who didn't like you. The idea of dinner with the always sweet Bucky was intriguing though. You smiled as you looked down. "Okay" you agreed. "Yes," your best friend chanted. "I'll come and get you in half an hour" he said as he turned around and walked to the door. "Great," you nodded. "See you" you said as he stood in the doorway again. He saluted you, laughing, and walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, you sprinted to your closet. Although it wouldn't matter to Bucky what you wore, you wanted to pick a nice outfit. Over time you had started to develop feelings for Bucky. Because you didn't want to ruin your friendship, you kept them to yourself and never let them show. You searched through your closet trying to find the outfit you had in mind. 'Yes' you thought as you saw the clothes and put them on. You were wearing black jeans with a white blouse, which a bit of a low V-neck. You put on some boots, and walked over to your mirror. You put on the slightest bit make up, just some mascara and lip balm. You sprayed on some perfume and were good to go. Just as you assembled your bag, there was a knock om your already open door. You turned around, and saw Bucky walking into your room. He  looked at you in amazement.

"Wow, you look amazing" he said, taking your hand and making you spin around. You laughed. "Thank you," you said. "You don't look so bad yourself" you said, looking him up and down. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a button up shirt. He smiled. "Thank you" he said, chuckling softly. His low grins made your heart fluster. "Shall we go" he asked as he stuck out his metal arm. "Yes" you said as you took his arm, wrapping yours around it. The two of you walked out of the compound. When you got to the car, Bucky rushed past you. Just before you could, he opened the door for you. "Thank you," you said. "But that wasn't necessary" you said, knowing you were right. "I know, but that is how you should treat a lady" he smiled. You rolled your eyes as he closed the door and walked over to the driver side. The car ride was nice, just like every moment with your best friend. Bucky parked the car. "Stay where you are" he said, turning to you. He got out of the car and walked to your door, opening it for you. He stuck his arm out again, and you happily took it. "Thank you" you said as you got out of your car seat. Bucky guided you to the restaurant. When you stopped in the front of the doors and you looked at the name of the restaurant. "Are you serious" you asked him, your tone serious. "What" he asked. "This restaurant is quite expensive" you said, making it less than it actually was. "So" he asked as he opened the door. "So, that's not necessary" you said. "I know" he simply answered. "I- I just don't want you to spend so much money on me" you told him. "And what if I want to" he teased. "Then you're stupid" you said, shaking your head with a smile on your face. "Then I'm stupid" he said, smiling at you. "I hate you" you said. "No you don't" he said, knowing he was right. "You're right, I don't" you laughed. You got to the front of the restaurant. "Good Evening" the woman greeted the two of you. "Hello" you both said. "Do you have a reservation" the kind woman asked. "Yes," Bucky said. 'He really did his best' you thought. "Barnes" he said, smiling at the older woman.

"Barnes, Barnes," she mumbled as she looked through the list with names. "Here," she said. "Table for two" she said. You and Bucky both nodded. "Follow me" she said. You followed her all the way to the back of the restaurant. She gestured to the table, and your eyes followed her movement. The table was lit with all of these small lights, it looked so cute. "Thank you" you said to the woman and sat down opposite Bucky. You looked at the other tables and saw they didn't have the lights. "Did you do this" you asked him, motioning all around you. "I just made a call" he said, lifting up his shoulders. "Why" you just asked. "Because I love you" he said, smiling. To other this may sound like a love confession, but to you it wasn't. You and Bucky were so close that you always told the other you loved them. "I love you too Buck" you said, giving up all your questions and just excepting it. "But I really do appreciate it" you said, taking his hand from across the table. "You know I will do anything for you" Bucky said, squeezing your hand. "Thank you" you said again. You flashed a sweet smile before you were interrupted. A waiter came to your table. "Would you like anything to drink". [I'm sorry, but I won't go into the whole dinner]

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