39| Bruce Banner x reader

621 9 1

pairing: bruce x reader

summary: taking some of the avengers to the beach, and learning something about bruce

word count: 416


"I- I don't like the beach." Bruce pointed out nervously, "too-o much sand an- and too many accidents waiting to happen."

You raised your eyebrows, looking to Tony in the passenger seat. He shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face, "he hates the beach... has for years." He said so only you could hear. You trained your eyes back onto the road, continuing your drive to the beach. "Bruce, it'll be fine. We can sit you on one of the sun lounges- or in the shelter so you don't have to make too much contact with the sand." You smiled, looking at him briefly in the rear view mirror. He tried to push a smile onto his face, but it just wouldn't budge. Instead, he flinched when she continued, "beaches are fun!"

"Sorry, buddy, she mustn't know." Natasha whispered, her hand finding its way to his. He looked to Natasha and shook his head. "Ye-yeah, I know." He muttered, "I know."


"Ahh, here we are!" You cheered, climbing out of the car. You opened the boot door so Peter and Clint could get themselves out, and waited eagerly for Bruce, Natasha and Steve to get out. With the help of Tony, who got out of the passenger side, you collected all your equipment. The shelter, beach lounges, sunscreen and towels- the whole lot. "Are you guys coming?" She called out to the three still in the car. Hastily, Steve got out.

"They'll only be a minute- let's go." He nodded, beginning to walk towards the sand. You shrugged as the four of you following Steve to find a spot.


"Why haven't they come down yet?" You asked impatiently, watching as Peter, Clint and Tony stood in the ocean, "did I do something?"

Steve shook his head, "no no definitely not. Not intentionally, at least."

You scoffed softly, "what's that supposed to mean?"

You turned to look at the super soldier with confused eyes. "Don't you know why he doesn't like the beach?" Steve asked, "hasn't anyone told the story?"

"What story?"

"Oh." Steve sucked in a breath, mentally preparing himself to continue, "when he was 14, his little sister drowned in the ocean one time when he took her to the beach. Has refused to go ever since. I'm surprised he even got into the car if I'm honest."

Your jaw dropped at the same time your stomach did. "Oh my god... I didn't know." You said quietly, meeting Steve's eyes, "I didn't know.

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