8|Chris Hemsworth x reader

553 10 0

type: fluffy

summary: going on a roller coaster with chris

word count: 336


"Are you scared?" He asked, a devilish grin scrawled across his face. "No, I just have this terrified look on my face because I'm having so much fun." He laughed a little and then composed himself and became serious for once in his life, "really Y/N, we'll be fine." You looked at him, "promise?" The corners of his mouth turned up into his handsome smile, "promise." He placed his hand over yours as you took a deep and shaky breath. Why did you let him talk you into this? You knew you'd hate it. You clutched the bar in front of you with a mighty grip and Chris noticed, "geez Y/N, maybe you should've played Thor," he laughed at his own joke and it did make you smile a little too.

The operators started up the ride and off you went. On a freaking roller coaster. You HATED roller coasters. You screamed solidly and could just barely hear Chris beside you giggling like a little school girl. The cart that you sat inside did twists and spins and all sorts of horrible things, making you wish that you'd stayed on the ground and just watched. But deep down inside you were having fun and Chris was still holding your hand. You loved when he held your hand. You were only friends but you want more than that so terribly. You didn't know how he felt though, and of course you didn't want to ruin your friendship by telling him that you're in love with him but... the way you feel in this moment as his fingers are interlocked with yours in an attempt to comfort you. You don't feel scared anymore, you just feel all warm and fuzzy inside and all you can think about is how much you want to hold his hand forever. This was something you want to do all the time. You never wanted to get off this godforsaken roller coaster because that would mean letting go of Chris' hand.

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