29| Tom Holland x reader

415 10 0

pairing: tom x reader

summary: taking your newborn son to meet Tom's friends

word count: 270


You snapped a pic as Tom fell asleep with your newborn son in his arms. The little baby never failed to make you smile. Your son was pretty cute too. Today was the day that little Leo would meet his Aunty Zendaya. She wasn't actually his Aunty but she insisted that he must call her that. She was basically like a sister to both you and Tom anyway. He was also meeting the entirety of the avengers cast. You were going to see Zendaya on set and she was filming her short scene in the next avengers movie. As you and Tom walked in the door, you heard a few gasps and awwwws. Robert spotted you first. "Oh my god, my grandson is here!" He ran over and asked to hold him. Of course you said yes. Leo looked quite comfy there in Roberts arms. For the rest of the day, he was passed around and cuddled more than ever. Everyone was so happy for the two of you and all loved your little baby. When Zendaya saw him for the first time, you thought she might pass out. She was so excited and basically did a dance with him in her arms. It was so cute. Eventually Leo got fussy and tired and you had to take him home. Everyone was sad to see you go, especially Leo though. Tom had to go back to work and film in two days, he didn't get very long off. He'd be done in a month or so anyway then have all the time he needed to spend with his little boy.

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