9|Loki x reader

929 18 8

type: funny

summary: taking Loki on an adventure... while wearing tony's cloths

word count: 315

A/N: i gotta ask, do you say Loki Odinson or Loki Laufeyson


"I don't like this." Loki grumbled, looking down at the clothes he was wearing. "This is simply stupid." You had somehow managed to get him out of Asgard clothes and into something more... earthlike. And as it turned out, Tony was the only one that had some clothes that fitted him. So there he was, standing before you in black jeans and a Metallica shirt.

"You'll be fine!" You dismissed his moaning and groaning, ushering him out of the room so they could leave, "we just need to stop by the kitchen so I can grab the bag with my camera."

As soon as the prince of Asgard left the four walls of the bedroom, the eyes of the avengers fell immediately onto him. "Nice outfit, brother." Thor laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. Loki's face reddened, becoming a new look from him considering his normal cocky facade.

"It's pretty snazzy." Steve chimed in, walking past with two bananas in his hand. You extended your hand expectantly, making him sigh and giving you one of them. You flashed him a toothy grin to show your thanks.

Continuing your adventure to the kitchen with Loki trailing shortly behind, you passed a few more people. Sam Wilson, who visibly shook from laughing so hard, and Natasha who you swore were taking pictures as you strolled past with a satisfied smirk. When you got to the kitchen, you flipped the banana still in your hand and grabbed your camera bag, turning to Loki.

"Ready to go out and adventure?" You asked, smiling.

"If that means I can get out of this preposterous outfit sooner... then yes."

You left the kitchen, walking down the main hallway leading to the elevators. As the two of you got in, you were met by a familiar face... Tony Stark himself.

"Huh... nice clothes." He nodded, looking down at his similarly styled outfit

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