67| Peter Parker x Tony Stark x reader

365 4 0

Pairing: peter x reader

Summary: sneaking out on a mission that you're not allowed to be on

Word count: 1199


"You're not allowed to go. i don't care what you say, it's final." Tony crossed his arms, daring you or Peter to argue. You swallowed your pride, nodding miserably. "Fine." You walked back to your room, Peter's yells echoing throughout the hall. "Mr. Stark please!!! I've had my powers for two years now! Stop treating me like a kid! I can go on missions too! How else am I going to learn???" Minutes later, you heard the door to Peter's room slam loudly. Peter was usually cheerful, but he seemed to get irritated whenever Tony wouldn't let him go on a mission. You agreed, you'd had your powers even longer than Peter, but there was no point in fighting it. For the past two years you had been constantly arguing with Tony about going on missions, but you had yet to go on a major one. Less than ten minutes after the rest of the Avengers left to fight, a loud, insistent banging sounded at your door. You had your earbuds in, so you didn't notice Peter shoving the door open and plopping down on your bed. "Y/N. Y/N." He tapped your shoulder urgently. "I'm going, whether he likes it or not." You yanked out your earbuds, sitting up straight. "Are you insane? you and I both know we'd never survive out there." Peter stood up, looking a little hurt. "Then don't go. It's fine. Stay safe." He started walking back to his room, most likely to his room to get his suit on. You sucked your breath in, only half regretting what you were about to say. "Are you crazy? Of course i'm going. I have to protect your dumbass anyways. And how could I pass up a chance like this?" Peter grinned, cheering up instantly. "Great! Be out in five!" You pulled on your black suit, thinking about what you had just done. "What if Tony's right? What if we can't handle this? What if Peter gets hurt?" You ran out the door, suppressing your worries. "Hey." Peter turned from studying the mission details to look at you, gaping when he saw the skintight catsuit against your figure. "Okay Peter, didn't your Aunt May teach you it's not nice to stare?" you teased lightly, making him blush even harder. He coughed, moving his fist to his face in attempts to cover the red spreading like wildfire on his face. Your stomach did little cartwheels, and suddenly you were very aware that Peter was staring at you. You looked into his eyes, before fully realizing you were both looking into each other's eyes. He turned away awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "So....do you know where to go?" you asked awkwardly, shifting your weight from foot to foot. He nodded silently, running towards the exit and beckoning for you to come. Minutes later, you arrived at the location of the battle. But something was off. There was no sign of Tony or any of the Avengers. It was like everyone fighting, including Tony, had just disappeared mid battle. You heard a faint creaking sound, almost like a tree falling next to you. You looked at Peter, who shrugged, oblivious. "Not me. I had a big breakfast." You rolled your eyes, walking in the opposite direction, searching for anyone. The creaking grew louder, and stronger. A familiar scream pierced the silence. "Y/N!!" You whipped your head so fast you had to stop moving for a second, dizzy. Peter stood helplessly underneath a fallen building, frozen in terror. Time as you knew it seemed to freeze, and you ran to him. Every fiber in your entire being told you to run away, leave and go find Tony, and to stay alive. But your legs pumped faster, taking you quickly underneath the building where Peter stood. You exerted every bit of your powers trying to keep the building up, screaming at him to run. "PETER! GO. NOW." "I CAN'T. I CAN'T LEAVE YOU." He stood his ground, determined to help. You grunted, the building slowly lowering closer and closer to you. "PETER I SWEAR. GO NOW. I CAN'T HOLD IT FOREVER. DON'T BE A HERO!" He stares at you with a look of pure pain and confliction, before turning away and running to safety.You already knew. You could never run out of there in time. You were going to die for Peter. He stood thirty feet away from you, gesturing frantically at you to come to him. You were tired. "Maybe....I'll just let the building collapse on me. I'll never make it," you thought. But looking at Peter's terrified face, scared for you, you knew you had to try. You let go, running for him. Closer. Closer. Ten feet. Just. Ten. A loud rumble, and everything went dark. You smelled dust, granite and glass surrounding you. You could feel large pieces of glass were imbedded in your organs. Even if they did find you... It was too late. The damage had been done. Peter watched in absolute horror as the building collapsed on you, and you disappeared under the ruins. "No.....Y/N. Y/N!!!!!" Peter's face twisted with loss and fury. "Y/N!! WHERE ARE YOU????" he roared, frantically digging through the rubble. "Y/N....please. Say something!!" Peter's voice said from a distance. "Y/N!!!" "Speak. SAY SOMETHING!! TELL HIM YOU'RE HERE!!" Every muscle in your body burned, and you couldn't get a word out of your mouth. You felt a warm touch again your cheek, and the rocks covering you were removed, exposing you to the harsh light of the sun. Peter. His dusty face was covered in blood and a large gash was bleeding on his forehead. But it all meant nothing to him when he found you. Peter picked you up, giving you a gorgeous smile, beyond relieved that he had found you. "You're safe now, I promise," he cooed, caressing you gently. You frowned, confused. The lines along his face that had been clear a second ago blurred, his face becoming muddy and distorted right before your eyes.

"Peter?? Why...why is your face like that?" He frowned, or at least you think he did. "Y/N....my face is fine. Y/N???". "I told you i'd protect you...." you mumbled, quickly fading away. Your breathing slowed to a stop, so quickly that Peter couldn't even react. "Y/N. You're okay. You're okay." He shook you violently, not fully believing it. "Y/N!!! Open your eyes!!!!" You didn't. And you never would. "Y/N." He brought your head to his, holding you tightly in hopes that you'd come back to him. "Y/N. I'm sorry. This was all my fault. If only I hadn't been so stupid. If we just stayed back....like Mr. Stark told us to...." He choked back tears, determined to keep it in, not wanting to let go of you. Like if he cried, it would be accepting you were truly gone. "If only.....you would be alive right now."

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