5| Bruce Banner x reader

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pairing: romantic

summary: Tony Stark having to call you to calm bruce down from being the hulk

word count: 507


Y/N's phone was ringing. For the 3rd time. She audibly groaned, coming down from her yoga pose and sitting on her knees. Of course it was on the one day that she wanted to relax that her phone was buzzing with information. "What do you want..." she mumbled absentmindedly, reaching for her phone that sat on the table next to her.

Tony Stark's face had lit up the screen, making her furrow her brows in confusion. Tony Stark was never one to call Y/N. Or call in general, really, unless it was important. So reluctantly and with a sigh, she answered.

"Finally!" Tony exclaimed, voice barely audible over the sound of crashing in the background, "I need you at the compound ASAP. We have a code green.""...code green?""YES a code green! Your anxiety ridden husband has gone big green guy on us and no one can settle him down!" Tony was practically screeching into the phone, "-no! Naughty hulk! Piss off!"Y/N's eyes widened. Shit. "I'll be right there." Was all she said before she hung up, slipped on her sneakers, grabbed her keys and rushed out the front door.•••"Far out..." Y/N breathed, seeing the mess that had been created before her. Her eyes scanned the large room, trying to find any hint as to where her supersized husband had gone to in his protective state. It took a little bit of looking and listening until she found the place where he was.Y/N found Hulk outside on the grass. He was picking up the small circular statues that lined the path and throwing them, letting them soar through the sky and go as far as they could. Anger riddled his face and body as he trashed about, throwing and pounding the ground with his fists. If it was anyone else standing behind him, they would be frightened. But she wasn't. She knew what was inside of him, what was in his heart. And that was all that mattered to her."Hey, big guy." She said softly. Hulk whipped his body around, rage still standing in his eyes. Y/N showed no fear as she extended a hand towards the man, taking a step closer. "You're alright, yeah? The clouds looks really pretty, don't they?" Hulk's eyes looked to the sky above him as his breaths began to even out. He looked back to Y/N and her extended hand, reaching out a hand himself. It was giant compared to Y/N's, green and calloused too. She gave him a small smile, touching their hands together. "It's alright... you relax with me." She whispered, looking into his eyes. Hulk stood their for a moment, before he jerked and fell to the ground. Y/N stumbled backwards at the impact, but still watched as he began to shrink and discolour from green to skin colour. Bruce emerged, out of breath and barely holding himself up. "Y/N." Was all he said, looking up to his wife, "I love you."

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