4| Bucky Barnes x reader

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"Bucky. Bucky!" You waved your hand in front of him, annoyed. You had been attempting to fill him in on the mission plans he missed that morning, but instead he was drawing something in his notebook. Bucky whistled cheerfully, making grand arcs and sweeping motions of his normal arm to create a mysterious picture. He looked up at you for a few seconds, inspecting your face before looking back down and continuing to draw with a ridiculous smile on his face. You tried to look at the picture, discreetly tilting your head to try and steal a glimpse. Thanks to his training as a HYDRA agent, Bucky noticed and slammed his notebook shut. "No peeking," he scolded. You groaned, putting your head in your hands in frustration. "We're supposed to be going over the mission details, not drawing." Bucky nodded absently, only pausing in drawing to look up at you every few seconds. "Yeah I already know. Sneak attack, kill, kill, kill, we win, and leave quickly." You rolled your eyes, tapping the floor impatiently. Your eyes lit up, an idea striking you. Before Bucky could react, you pulled the notebook out of his hands. "So, what are you doing that's more important than listen-" You stopped mid sentence, gasping quietly. An almost identical image of you sitting on the balcony. Your eyes shone brightly, even in the picture, and you looked....beautiful. You flipped through his notebook, discovering more pictures of you in various poses. "Did you...draw all of these?" You looked at Bucky, who looked nervous at the thought of you seeing his prized drawings. "Yes," he said shyly, suddenly very interested in the floor. "They're beautiful." You smiled softly, handing him back his notebook. He quickly reached for it, and your hand lingered over his a moment too long. You looked up at Bucky, meeting his eyes. He gave you a small smile, his eyes twinkling playfully. You turned away quickly, taking your hand back. "Sorry," you muttered, embarrassed. Bucky gave you an awkward grin, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Your stomach was filled with butterflies, and you had a strange, overwhelming urge to kiss Bucky right then and there. But instead, you pushed it down, willing the feeling to disappear.

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