20| Eddie Brock x reader

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pairing; Eddie x reader

summary: Eddie needing a detraction from writing a 'stupid' letter

word count: 285


"Du-" Eddie sighed, interrupting his speech as he ripped a piece of paper out of his notebook, "dude. I can't do this." He ran a hand down the side of his face in slight distress, leaving his hand clasped over his mouth. "I- no."

"Stop being a pussy." Venom sighed, "write the damn thing like you had planned or I will."

Eddie scoffed softly, placing down the pen, "I'd like to see you try and write, V."

Venom reached out from Eddies hand, picking up the pen before them. On the page, venom began to draw/write. "Haha. Very funny, big guy." Eddie rolled his eyes, looking at the messy penis drawing on the page, 'Eddie' being written underneath it with a small heart. The more Eddie looked at it, the cuter it actually became. Like some vile kindergarten child's drawing. He removed it from the notebook as neatly as he could, taking himself into the kitchen.

"Tatertots?" Venom asked out of habit upon their entrance into the kitchen. Eddie simply chuckled, grabbing a magnet from the side of the fridge. He stuck the drawing onto the fridge like a proud father. He looked at it with a content smile. "Why." Was all Venom said.

"I like it."

"It was supposed to be something stupid to prove that I shouldn't be writing the letter, not-"

"I know," Eddie interrupted in a slight haze, "I still like it. Plus, I need a distraction from all the thinking."

Suddenly, the pair were making their way back to the desk. Venom took them back over, sitting Eddie down before picking up the pen once again. "What are you doing, V?"

"Making distraction until you're ready to write again."

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