21| Eddie Brock x reader

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pairing: Eddie x reader

summary: Eddie always missing your dates for some suspicious reason

word count: 267


"You shouldn't come back." You spat as you slammed the door in his face. After missing your date for the twelfth time, you'd had enough of him. What could possibly have come up? And each time after each non existent date, he'd show up and apologise and you'd forgive him, but not today. This time you were don't giving him second chances. He tried to tell you there was an explanation but you really didn't care. There was another knock at the door and you opened it, it was him again. You went to shut the door but he stuck his foot in the way. You tried to shove him away but he stood there. "Get out or I'll call the cops!" "Y/N, please just listen to me." He begged. "I'm not always me. There's this thing inside me that takes control and does whatever he wants and I can always hear him. His name is Venom and we have an agreement that if he sees a bad guy we can eat him, but we live in a bad neighbourhood so whenever we leave the house I lose my body for a while." You looked at him, eyes wide, furious. "DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID EDDIE!!??" He shook his head. "Let me show you. V, mask." Suddenly black goo covered his face and he grew taller and in a few seconds Eddie wasn't there anymore, instead stood a scary alien thing. You went to scream but he covered your mouth. The face opened back up and returned to being Eddie again, "believe me now?" He asked.

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