10|Scott Lang x reader

622 16 0

type: fluffy

summary: going to scott's house after he was released from prison

word count: 429


Your shaky hand reached up to the front door, and you contemplated whether you should just go home. It had been years. Would he even want to see you? You didn't know anything about the reaction you'd get. In a moment of sudden confidence, you knocked.There was the noise of shuffling and bumping before the door opened. There he was. Scott Lang. In the flesh. After 3 years in prison, here he was. He had a confused smile on his face, until he realised who you were.

His mouth dropped. You smiled."Hey." Was all you could say before being enveloped in one of the biggest hugs you'd ever received. Scott wrapped his arms around you so comfortably, swaying you gently side to side. You laughed into his arms, your head buried into his chest. "Seems like you missed me." You chuckled, leaning away. "More than anything." He whispered, looking into your eyes. The two of you stood their for a minute, and you swore you found yourself leaning in when Scott's mind clicked. "oH! Did you want to come inside? I'm such a bad host, I haven't even asked you in." He rambled dismissively, standing back from the doorway. You came inside, looking around the house. If was almost the exact same as it was originally. If anything... too similar.Everything seemed exactly the same as it was three years ago. It was as if time hadn't passed at all. You felt so much younger simply standing a few steps inside the house. You followed Scott as he walked into the kitchen, sitting at the bench as he continued to grab himself a glass of milk. "Want anything?" He asked politely, giving you a small smile. "A water would be amazing, thank you."He grabbed a bottle from the fridge, rolling it towards you. You grabbed it, thanking him as you opened it and took a drink.•••"Thank you so much for letting me show up unexpected." You sighed happily, not fighting the large smile on your face. You gave Scott another hug, lingering in the front door once again. "No problem, it was so good to see you." He gushed. You looked at him, having another moment like you did a few hours before. Again, you were leaning in. And he was too.Next minute, your lips were touching. It was amazing. You had missed him so much, not realising your true feelings for him until you couldn't see him everyday for three years. You were so glad he was back; smiling against his lips.

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