69| Peter Parker x reader

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Pairing: peter parker x reader

Summary: having to save peter from a spiders worst nightmare... the bathtub

Word count: 1286


You sat in Peter's room books surrounding you like fortress walls. You grew up in the apartment next door to Peter and May, also went to the same school as he did so the two of you have been close for years. Flicking through a physics textbook you spin your pen skilfully between your fingers as you try and find your page. Finding the one you look for you begin to scribble down notes. Glancing over at peter you laugh to see him hanging upside down from the ceiling, his chemistry book in hand. A few months ago peter had accidentally climbed in to your room after one of his patrol and completely exposed his secret to you but you knowing only made the two of you closer. Seeing him so concentrated on his book you smirk and flick your pen at him quickly. His Spidey senses go off but a second too late. Before he knew it a big line of biro ink ran down his cheek. Clutching your stomach you roll around laughing hysterically. Coming down from the ceiling peter laughs and smudges some of it over your cheekbone.

P:Fairs fair

He says before looking in the mirror.

P: Hey Y/n, I going to jump in the shower. I won't be long.
Y/n: Sure thing. I'll keep going over this. See you in a bit.
You nod before looking back to your copious amount of textbooks. About five minutes pass before you hear a crash and a girly scream come from the bath room.
P: Y/n!!!
Peter shouts and you rush to the bathroom. Swinging the door open you instantly turn around realising peter was indeed naked. Cheeks burning you grab a towel and throw it behind you at him.
Y/n: You ok there pete?
You ask and he groans.
P: I've fallen...and I can't get up.
Letting out a giggle you roll your eyes and turn around, he's covered his lower half up by now.
Y/n: Did you bring me in here just to make a life alert joke?
Folding your arms your find your eyes lingering over Peters toned torso. Prying your eyes away you look to his face and see he was in discomfort.
P: I think I've sprained my ankle.
He says trying to move it and wincing. Nodding you take a second to think.
Y/n: Right uhhhh. Make sure that towel is on properly and then help me get you out of the tub.
He nods and tucks the towel around his waist securely. Hooking your arms under his shoulders you lift as best as you can getting him to help also. After a few minutes or so of struggling you finally had him sat back in his room. Rushing off you grab an ice pack and a bandage. Returning to the room you sit across from him in a chair and lift his foot on to your lap. The towel, being rather short, rides up making both of you blush.
Y/n: Don't worry Pete I won't peek.
You laugh a little nervously. You'd liked him for a while now but never had the guts to tell him. Wrapping up his ankle you gently apply the ice pack. He winces a little making you cringe but eventually the pain began to subside.

Y/n: I know spiders get stuck in the bath but I didn't think spidermen would also.

You joke breaking the silence a little. Letting out a giggle peter smiles brightly, his cheeks flushing red.

P: I know I know I'm a doofus.
Y/n: Too right you are. I know we're close but I think me having to save your naked ass from a bathtub maybe pushing it a bit....but not that I'm complaining.
You finished with a whisper.
P: What?
Peter asks making you panic, had he heard you.
Y/n: What?
You instantly fire back with a nervous laugh. Placing peters foot down on the chair you stand up and start collecting up your books in a bit of a fluster. As you're turned away peter quickly throws on some boxers and tries to hide his blushing cheeks.
P: Hey Y/n. Thanks for helping me. I'm glad it was you and not aunt May, that would have killed me from embarrassment.
He says rubbing the back of his neck. His foot still propped up. Turning around you place your books down and smile.
Y/n: So you weren't embarrassed with me seeing you....?
You say not wanting to finish the sentence so you gesture at him making him laugh.
P: I wasn't as embarrassed as I would have been with May.
Y/n: Good to know.....
Shuffling your feet your gaze drifts over Peters torso once again and your cheeks flush. Snapping yourself out of it you begin to stutter a little hoping peter hadn't noticed.
Y/n: Uhhh do...do you....need anything?
You ask quickly.
P: Could you just sit with me? My ankle really hurts and I don't want to move much.
He says softly with eyes like those of a puppy. Feeling your cheeks burn you sit down gently beside him so you don't make his leg move too much. A few minutes of silence go by before you muster up some courage.
Y/n: Hey Pete?
You ask breaking the silence and making him jump a little.
P: Yeah?
Y/n: Phhhh oh god what am I doing?
You groan realising the hole you'd begun to dig for yourself.

Y/n: You know we've known each other for really long and so on...and I know we've been friends since like forever and I'm really scared that if I say anything I'll ruin everything and.....

P: Just tell me. I promise whatever it is it won't change anything between us.

Peter chuckles making you even more nervous.Y/n: I really like you and have for ages. You blurt out before suddenly feeling peters lips on yours. A wave of relief hits you as you begin to kiss him back. His hand runs over your cheek before pulling away and smiling brightly.P: Woah!He says making you giggle. Y/n: Was that just to shut me up or?P: I like you too. With an over excited squeal you wrap your arms around him happily. Letting out a little wince peter wraps his arms around you too. P: Could you get me some pain killers please. My ankle is really killing.Planting a kiss on his cheek you smile and trundle off before return with some painkillers and a glass of water.Y/n: Here you go Spidey boy. Just for future reference you should get a bath mat so you don't fall over again because I won't always be around to save you.P: I thought you weren't complaining?He says proving he had heard you.Y/n: I wasn't, I mean look at you but still. If you're not careful May will have to rescue you.You tease before your lips meet again for a second. Giving him the glass and the pain medication you collect the rest of your books up and pile them neatly by the door. Grabbing a shirt and some comfy trousers you then help peter dress which was a rather funny ordeal. Completely abandoning studying the two of you spend the rest of the day curled up in peters bed watching movies, Peters foot elevated on a pillow with an ice pack still on it. It couldn't have been more perfect

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