13|Bucky x reader

860 15 0

type: fluffy

summary: going to the fair with bucky

word count: 751


As soon as you saw the flyer, you knew you had to go. You placed the brightly coloured paper on top of Bucky's plate, covering up his waffles and eggs. "Doll," Bucky said wearily. "What is this?"

You grinned, unable to contain your excitement. "The old fairgrounds in Brooklyn are opening back up for the summer," you said giddily. "Steve said you guys loved going there before the war, and I'm curious to see what it's like."

Bucky grinned at your enthusiasm and set down his coffee cup. "Alright, Doll," he said. "Let me grab my coat and we'll be off." On the way to the fair, Bucky filled the air with endless chatter, but when you finally arrived, he fell silent, as if in a trance. "Bucky?" you whispered, placing a hand on his arm. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he sighed. "It's just a little surreal, being back here after so long. Some of my best memories have been made here at the fair, you know?" You nodded, soaking in the meaning of his words. Bucky hardly ever discussed his life before the war, either not wanting to talk about it or simply not remembering the details, thanks to the many rounds of brainwashing he had undergone as the Winter Soldier. Now, his voice was laced with a fond longing, and you knew how wonderfully bittersweet this must be for him. Bucky shook his head, a frown creeping onto his face. "All the memories are coming back," he said. "It's a little too much to handle right now."

You nudged his shoulder and steered him to the concessions line. "What do you say we make some new memories here?" you suggested. "We can start with cotton candy."

Bucky grinned. "I like the way you think, Doll."


No less than an hour later, you and Bucky stood in the middle of the fairgrounds, gazing at the scene around you and sharing the last of the bright pink cotton candy, enjoying the way the sugar melted on your tongue. "What now?" Bucky asked.

You shrugged. "You're the expert," you said, only half jokingly.

Nodding, Bucky lifted his chin in the direction of the ferris wheel, lit up in neon lights even though the sun was barely starting to set.

"You know," Bucky said, "I had my first kiss on that Ferris wheel. Man, that was a good summer..." He sighed dreamily, caught up in the memory. "That settles it," you declared. "We're going on that Ferris wheel."


The line was long, snaking throughout the fairgrounds, but it was worth it when you finally reached the front. You and Bucky settled into the compartment, and you were off. As you lifted into the air, you pressed your face to the glass, admiring the setting sun and the pinkened clouds. "They look like the cotton candy we ate earlier," you murmured. Bucky laughed. While you gazed at the sky, he was watching you. A smile found its way onto his face as he memorised the look of awe on yours. In that moment, seeing you in pure bliss, he had a strong urge to kiss you. It took all his willpower not to scoot over on the bench and touch his lips to yours. "What are you looking at?" you asked, the grin on your face nearly matching his. "You," he said simply. When you didn't respond right away, he sighed contentedly and leaned back. "I was just thinking how beautiful you look with the sunset as a backdrop."

"So you're saying I don't look beautiful without the sunset behind me?" you joked, flashing him a smile to let him know you were only kidding.

"No," he said seriously, "You do."

You found yourself blushing, the apples of your cheeks turning a dusty rose colour. Luckily, the silence was broken by the gentle bump of your compartment settling down on the ground again, and you opened the door and let yourself out.

On the way home, you were lost in thought. Your day with Bucky had been, simply put, amazing. You didn't quite know what to make of his sweet compliment on the Ferris wheel, but you weren't complaining about the warmth that filled your stomach whenever you replayed the scene in your head. There were two things that you knew for sure: One, no matter how hard you tried, you and Bucky could never go back to being just friends after that; and two, you never wanted to stop making memories with him.

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