24| Pietro x reader

619 7 0

pairing: pietro x reader

summary: having to witness pietros death

word count: 429


You couldn't even hear the sound of your own thoughts over the booming of bullets hitting the earth around you, so when you saw the look in Pietro's eye from a few meters away, you knew the end was coming.

There stood Clint Barton, a young boy being held tight in his arms. From above was Ultron, speeding towards them whilst showering bullets upon those beneath him- figuratively and literally. Clint was frozen in shock. He had nowhere to go. He had missed his chance. It was the end for him and the young boy. He spun around, pressing the young boy's body closer to his. His squeezed his eyes shut, mumbling what he thought wound be his last words.

When Clint began to stare down the ship, when he realised he had missed his chance, you saw a look overcome Pietro's eyes. "PIETRO!" You tried to scream loud enough for him to hear, but everything else around you was to loud. He still stood there, the look in his eyes growing to the entirety of his face. You already were feeling tears sting at your eyes. He was going to save them.
Though it was not the end for Clint Barton and the boy, it was so unfortunately the end for Pietro Maximoff. Pietro had ran in there, moved the two out of firing range, but had gotten riddled with bullets in the process. You ran from your spot in seeing his still standing body, diverting between the rubble around you. "Pietro." You said, blinking away the tears, "p-Pietro why-"
You didn't get close enough before his legs gave out from underneath him. "No, no, no." You murmured repeatedly, finally reaching him and Clint. You crouched next to him, putting a hand to his face as the tears began to fall. He had blood stains all over his body; he had been shot more times than you could count. Your vision began to blur as you pulled him closer to you, sobs pushing through your body. You felt Clint come next to you, his face of slight confusion staring down at him. He had placed the small boy on the ground.
His hand came to your shoulder as you sat there, Pietro's body closer to yours. From your other side, there was a small clink, and you looked up to see Steve jogging towards you. •His face was blank as him and Clint shared a remorseful look.

"H-hee tried, he tried-d to sa-ve you." Your tear stained eyes didn't leave Pietro's pale face, "a-and now he's d-dead." ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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