34| Tom Holland x reader

356 7 0

pairing: tom x sister reader

summary: shopping for baby cloths with your brother, Tom Holland

word count:


"Oh my shit, look at this!" Tom gasped, turning around suddenly. In his hands were a pair of tiny black vans, matching the ones that he was wearing at that moment. "You NEED these, it can match with Uncle Tom!" The smile on his face was so genuine and heartwarming that you almost skimmed past the fact that he called the baby 'it', despite your constant reminders. "Thomas! For the last time, I am having a baby girl- you need to stop calling it 'it' and say she!" You laughed, "but I will take those, thank you." You went to take the small vans out of your older brothers hands, but he instead pulled it closer to his chest. "No, I'm paying. You already have enough shit to pay for... like nappies." He proudly turned back around, grabbing a pair that came in a box, "are we ready to go into an actual baby shop now?" You nodded, pursing your lips slightly at Tom's adamant attitude to pay before the two of of you made your way to the counter. He placed the box of little shoes up, and the lady smiled widely whilst looking between the two of you. When Tom paid, her smile widened, "he's going to be a good dad." She winked at you while handing over the bag.

You swore you vomited in your mouth a little bit then, how could she not see the resemblance? Tom obviously had the same feeling by the way he looked at you. There was a short silence.

"He might be a good dad someday, but not to my children. He's my brother."

The clerk's jaw dropped as she realised what you just said, "I didn't know Tom Holland had a sister..."

"I'm the non-famous triplet. You know, of Harry and Sam, more siblings of Tom Holland."

"Oh." She said, "sorry."

You forced a close lipped smile as you continued to waddle out the door, "thanks. Goodbye."

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