31| clint x reader

417 14 0

pairing: clint x reader

summary: clint coming home unexpectedly early, surprising you and the kids

word count: 460

A/N: the opposite of the last one but oh well


You watched as your two children sprinted around the house, having the time of their lives. They were running, jumping, skidding around, pretending to be anything and everything on the planet. Every once in a while, one would come up to you and tell you they loved you, before running off once again. You would tell them you loved them too, before gazing down at your belly. You were definitely showing. Your baby bump made you look huge, but you knew that the gift at the end would be beyond beautiful.

Clint wasn't supposed to be home for weeks. He had told you he was going on a mission- and his return could be anywhere from weeks to months away. It saddened you, but you knew it was something he couldn't just get rid of. The avengers were a big thing for Clint, they were basically his second family. It almost brought a tear to your eye just thinking about the danger he could be in. He left pretty quickly, it couldn't have been that good.

Suddenly, the running from your children quietened. After a few seconds of silence, you stood up from your seat on the bar stool, calling out their names uneasily, "Coop? Lil?" You walked into the front room to see your kids by the window, staring out intently. "What are you doing?" You chuckled, going closer. They looked back to you excitedly, Lila excitedly whispering one short word."Dad."You sped up, looking through the next closest window. There he was. Clint striding up the driveway of your house, a slightly hop in his step. You could already tell he had hurt himself on the mission, it was evident in his posture. But you pushed that all to the side, as sudden happiness surged through you. Your husband was back. Back and in one piece. You took a step back as he got closer to the house, and you opened the front door just as he was reaching out a hand to. The kids came running towards him, grabbing him in whatever way they could. They missed him so much, it was adorable. He laughed and cooed, rubbing their heads and arms and briefly picking up your daughter.You smiled at the sight, waiting for him to come towards you.It didn't take long before he did. He put Lila down, and walked towards you, arms wide. You walked into his strong hold, him pulling away eventually to look at your belly. "He's so big." He whispered, holding a hand towards your bump. You nodded, taking his spare hand. "I've missed you." You gave Clint a swift kiss on the lips, before giving him another hug. You were glad that he was back home once again. ⠀

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