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It was nearly moonhigh and a black tom quietly stepped among the leaves.

"All right Mousestar, give me what you owe me." he growled.

Mousestar looked at him. "I can't I promised my kits' safety!" Mousestar replied.

"Give them to me, now!" The black tom slashed at Mousestar's muzzle. Mousestar glared at the tom.

"Willowkit, and Bramblekit have a destiny! I can't let you have them!" Mousestar pounced onto him.

"All right then," the black tom began, "But, each of them will get an injury as a kit. Deal?"

"Only one!" Mousestar protested.

"Okay fine, only one. But you will owe me later." The black vanished into the pitch black forest.

"What have I done," Mousestar moaned. "I'm sorry Willowkit and Bramblekit, but something has to be done."

"Mousestar its not your fault." said Shrewclaw. "But my kit, one of them will get injured." Mousestar looked up at Shrewclaw. "Its okay, at least you didn't give your kit's lives to Night." Shrewclaw assured.

"I know, but its still my fault." moaned Mousestar. "Even though this is StarClan, cats can still get hurt."

Shrewclaw nodded agreeing. "But don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. Your kits are as brave as LionClan."

Mousestar nodded. "But I hope they are okay..."

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