Chapter 31

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Bear Claw sat with Crookedtooth. The sun was setting and they were both making plans for the new clan.
"We should ask Shystep, Sneezenose, Bramblefur, Longpaw and Willowpaw. Those cats are in my clan."
Bear Claw nodded. "I have a few cats I met over when I was following you. They could join."
"Ok, but who is leader?"
Bear Claw paused and glanced over in the distance.
He shrugged and looked at the ground.
"You could be leader." Crookedtooth meowed.
"Sure, what are leaders named anyway?"
"They have 'star' at the end of their names. So you would be Bearstar."
"Don't leaders have nine lives?"
"Yes, you should go to the moonstone."


Crookedtooth and Bear Claw were heading to the moonstone. "What are we naming this clan?"

Crookedtooth thought for a bit. "FireClan?" she suggested. Bear Claw saw the cave in the ground. "Is that the cave?" he asked. Crookedtooth opened her mouth to speak but Bear Claw dashed into the cave.

"Wait!" Crookedtooth darted after him plunging into complete darkness. "Bear Claw be careful! You might bump into a rocky wall!"

Bear Claw reached the end of the cave seeing the glimmering stone in the middle of the room. "Whoa," Bear Claw padded closer to it.
"Bear Claw!" Crookedtooth skidded to a halt next to him.
"Thats the moonstone?" he asked.
Crookedtooth nodded. "Touch your nose to the stone, then let StarClan summon you in your sleep. I will come with you, for your first time."
"What if I don't believe in them?"
"Just believe it Bear Claw, Firestar believed in them, you can too."
Bear Claw was nervous. He slowly lay down beside Crookedtooth. He touched his nose to the cold stone.
His mind whirled around as he drifted into a deep sleep.

"Bear Claw, Crookedtooth we have been waiting for you." A young silver tabby she-cat with amber eyes looked directly at the two cats.
"W-who are you?" Bear Claw asked, baffled.
"I am Whitefrost." Bear Claw I am your cousin.
Bear Claw widened his eyes. "What? How?"
"Your mother abandoned you when she was traveling with Bramblestar. A tom, Bear took you in and named you after him. Terra Paws was also his kit. She was older and when you were sleeping she brutally killed Bear."
Bear Claw dipped his head. "You are here to give me a life are you?"
Whitefrost nodded and touched her nose to his.
"I give this life to you for protecting your clanmates. You won't give up like a bear fighting for her cubs."
Bear Claw's mind filled with memories of Whitefrost fighting for her clan, and dying to save kits. Pain pulsed through him like he was Whitefrost.
Whitefrost padded away and a another cat appeared.
Crookedtooth and Bear Claw looked at each other.
The name went into Bear Claw's mind.

"You have earned leadership from us. Lead FireClan well Bearstar." Whitefrost mewed.
"Are you ready to go?" Crookedtooth asked.
Bearstar nodded. "I'm ready."
"Good, because we need to ask cats from the other clans."
They both woke up and the sun was rising.

It was really early, and Crookedtooth was in camp. She trotted in the nursery. "Shystep, wake up." she whispered. Shystep opened a tired eye.
"Me and another cat are making a clan. We have some warriors already. Are you willing to join? Sneezenose is already with us."
Shystep opened her mouth. "Yes, wherever he goes I go."
She lead the she-cat out of camp. "We also have Longpaw, Echopaw and Willowpaw too. Bramblefur said no."

Shystep followed and asked, "Where is the camp?"
"Its a surprise." mewed Crookedtooth.

They were padding out of LakeClan territory. "So, where is it?"
"Remember that area that no one claimed a few years ago?"
"Yeah, why?"
"We are taking it! The moor is perfect. Free space to run, plenty of prey its great!"

"Crookedtooth! Shystep! You are here!" Bearstar mewed. "Who are you!" demanded Shystep.
"Its Bearstar! Our leader."
"Oh, sorry. Who else is here."
Crookedtooth started to speak.
"Well we have rouges and some cats from PineClan and SunClan and thats it."
"No, I mean who?"

"Oh, that makes sense. We have Sneezenose, Willowpaw, Longpaw, Echopaw, Ravenwing is our medicine cat... uh, Featherstorm, Waterfoot, Sedgestripe Tigerstripe."

Crookedtooth took a breath and went on, "We have other cats too. Jagged, Stick, Wind, Cheetah, Spike, and Flight."

Bearstar leapt onto a warm rock, and called, "Let all those cats that are old enough to catch their own prey may come to the Sunstone for a clan meeting."

"There are some cats in this clan without a warrior name. I will rename them. Wind from this day forward you will be known as Windpelt, Spike you are Spikeclaw, Flight you are Flightwing. Cheetah you are Cheetahspot. Stick you are Stickfoot. Jagged you are Jaggedrock."

Everyone greeted them. "Windpelt! Spikeclaw! Flightwing! Cheetahspot! Stickfoot! Jaggedrock!"

Crookedtooth saw Jaggedrock speaking to Tigerstripe. "Hi Jaggedrock." she mewed. Jaggedrock took a glance at her.

Jaggedrock saw love at first sight. Her beautiful glimmering light gray pelt shone. He smiled. "H-hi." he replied.

Crookedtooth tilted her head. "Are you okay?" Jaggedrock shook his head. "No, i'm fine!"
Crookedtooth gave him a hard look. "Ok, want to explore the territory?" she asked.
"Yes! I mean, yeah sure."

Jaggedrock and Crookedtooth dashed out of camp.

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