Chapter 21

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"Bramblefur! Bramblefur!" Crookedpaw yowled. Bramblefur licked his chest fur with embarrassment. "Well done Bramblefur." meowed Thorntail. Piperclaw's kits were mewling about.
"When do we get to be warrior?" asked Longkit. "I want to play warriors!" mewed Echokit. "I want to be clan leader!" Tinykit exclaimed. "So? I'm already deputy!" Willowkit retorted.

Piperclaw named the kits after the strong warriors and medicine cats, and Crookedpaw. Longtail for Longkit. Echosong for Echokit. Tinykit for Scourge. And Crookedpaw for Willowkit. Piperclaw never believed that Scourge was evil. All cats had hearts and pasts. And Piperclaw only knew Scourge for his past. She lapped at Tinykit's head. "Little ones, back in the nursery." she meowed. The kits moaned and went back into the nursery their tails between their legs.

"So, Crookedpaw are you ready?" asked Bramblefur. Crookedpaw turned around. "What?" she asked. "There is a rouge I know." he whispered. "His name his Night. And he has a mate, Darksky." Crookedpaw gasped.

"Y-you mean Darksky." she asked. "Yes, Night said she came back from StarClan. He said she is a great cat. heard she is wonderful." purred Bramblefur.

"Now, we shall talk later. I have a vigil to attend to." he meowed. He padded away and started for camp entrance. She breathed in. Surely he doesn't mean, Darksky. That Darksky right? Wait! There is no cat as evil as Darksky. Tigerstar certainly wasn't worse.

Crookedpaw realized something. Its almost the Gathering! Bramblefur will be announced warrior!

****A couple days later....oops I farted.****

"Bramblefur, Twistedjaw, Crookedpaw, Shypaw, Riverpaw, Ratstrike, Thorntail, Fleckpelt and Firepool." Icestar announced. "We will go to the Gathering!"

*****Pawsteps*****Going to dat Gathering! Yaaayy!!****

"Bonetail, what are you doing here?" asked Rainstar. "I'm not Bonetail anymore. I am Bonestar! Smokestar died because a warrior Thorntail killed him on accident." Bonestar meowed.

Ashstar started speaking, "Well, us too have been attacked. SunClan wasn't satisfied with the borders."

Rainstar rolled his eyes. "At least Sharptooth taught you a lesson, Ashstar." he growled. Ashstar snarled and said nothing more.

"We have two new warriors. Bramblefur and Sneezenose." Icestar announced. The clans cheered for the new warriors. "Also, we have troubles in PineClan. One of our apprentices, Shypaw decided to join LakeClan."

Ashstar was hissing, "She belongs with us! She was raised in PineClan."

"I have my own loyalty!" spat Shypaw. "You listen to me! I'm your leader!" Ashstar snarled. Suddenly, it started to rain.

"StarClan is crying! The Gathering is at an end." Icestar meowed. He gathered up the clan and they went home.

Shypaw was exhausted and she curled up in her nest. Crookedpaw followed her in. "Crookedpaw," whispered Fleckpelt.

Crookedpaw shot up. It was dawn. "Its time."

"For what?"

"Final assessment." he growled. "Don't you remember?"

She shook her head. "Now, lets go. Don't keep Shypaw waiting."

Crookedpaw crawled out of her nest and padded into the clearing. "Do we go out?" she asked.

"Of course we do!" spat Firepool. Shypaw was a little sleepy. "Now, lets go. I want to get this done before I freeze my fur off."

Crookedpaw silently padded in the forest territory. She spotted a bird, it was pulling a worm out of the ground.

Robin, Crookedpaw crept up on the small bird. She could smell Fleckpelt nearby. She pounced before it could fly away. She killed it with a swift bite to the neck.

"Well Icestar," Fleckpelt began. "Yes?"

"Crookedpaw is ready to become warrior." he meowed. "Its about time,"

"Let all cats old enough to swim, gather to hear my words," he called.

"Crookedpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan at the cost of your life?" asked Icestar. Crookedpaw gulped down. "Oh, and do you Shypaw?"

"I do," they said together. "Then by the power of StarClan, Crookedpaw you will be known as Croookedtooth. And Shypaw from this day forward you will be known as Shystep. StarClan honors both your honesty and bravery, we welcome you both full warriors of LakeClan."

"Shystep! Shystep! Shystep! Crookedtooth! Crookedtooth!"

Crookedtooth padded next to Bramblefur. "I became warrior just after you." she teased.

Bramblefur rolled his eyes. "We are the same age." he retorted. "Thats an excuse! If you were older, I would become warrior before you!"

Bramblefur pushed Crookedtooth playfully. Shystep trotted next to Crookedtooth.

"Its time for our vigil,"

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