Chapter 3

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Willowkit scurried around camp, looking for a place to hide. She heard Leopardkit almost counting to 30.

She dove under a bramble thicket. Luckily, there was a deep hole under there. Leopardkit finished counting and she started looking for everyone.

Willowkit saw Bramblekit nearby. He hid behind a rock. His brown pelt nearly blended in. Willowkit held her breath as Leopardkit slowly stepped by.

Leopardkit jumped up on a rock. It was the rock where Bramblekit was.

She tumbled down then stood up. Her eyes were closed, due to dust getting in from falling. "I can't see!" she whined.

She made her way to the nursery after bumping into many things. She found a leaf with water in it. Then splashed the water in her face.

Leopardkit slowly opened her eyes. "Yes!" she squeaked. And continued looking.

After awhile, she finally found Reedkit who was hiding in a patch of tall grass by the medicine den.

Willowkit was founded after Reedkit. Then Bramblekit, because he kept changing hiding spots.

"We are almost there!" Mewed Willowkit. "Where?" asked Reedkit. "To being 'paws." replied Bramblekit. "Yeah, just a quarter moon!" Willowkit whipped around in a circle and continued to stroll around camp.

Reedkit looked at Willowkit. "But, what if something happens? Then you might have to change your name, and wait like, 2 more moons to become an apprentice." Reedkit sat down. Willowkit puffed out her chest.

"I'm always going to be named Willowkit! And I am never going to wait 2 moons more to becoming an apprentice. Thats more likely to be Bramblekit."

Bramblekit glared at her. "Thats never going to happen to me!" He lunged and tumbled with Willowkit across camp.

They had reached camp entrance. Willowkit pushed Bramblekit out of camp. "What you want more?" asked Bramblekit. "Bring it!" growled Willowkit.

Willowkit pounced onto Bramblekit reaching the lakes' edge. Bramblekit turned over and pinned Willowkit.

"You give up?" Bramblekit asked.

"Never," Willowkit replied. She slashed at Bramblekit's open belly. "He yowled in pain as he pushed Willowkit into the water.

Willowkit paddled hard as she gulped water. "Help!" she yowled. "I'm drowning!" Willowkit scratched her claws and hung onto a rock. She wanted to get to shore.

She leapt and landed on another rock. Willowkit slipped backward and hit onto the rock. Her mouth and was opened and her teeth hit the rock hard. Then her jaw slammed against the rock and she fell into the water.

Bramblekit watched in terror as she started to drown. There was blood spreading in the water.

Bramblekit stood up as he ran to get help.

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