Chapter 10

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"Crookedpaw! Your first task," Darksky began. "You need to kill that mouse."

Crookedpaw stalked the small creature. She slowly came closer until she was ready to pounce. She pounced and she hit the ground hard.

"Frog dung!" she growled. "Chase it!" hissed Darksky.

Crookedpaw got up and ran into the deep territory of StarClan. She darted and jumped across log after log as she reached it.

Crookedpaw pounced perfectly and kills it with a swift bite.

"Good," said Darksky. Crookedpaw panted hard catching her breath.

"Why did I have to kill it?" asked Crookedpaw.

"Its only to warm up your muscles." replied Darksky.

Crookedpaw nodded, panting hard. "Why is it so dark, it doesn't look like StarClan how Otterheart described it. She said it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen." Mewed Crookedpaw.

"She just wants you to think it is nice, and beautiful. Not everyone is perfect." grumbled Darksky.

Crookedpaw looked at the she-cat carefully. "Were you in RiverClan before? When, Crookedstar led?" asked Crookedpaw.

"Of course not!" Darksky looked at Crookedpaw.

"I was here many, many moons ago. Before the clans were even created. I go back before, I was in RiverClan, but way before Crookedstar was born. " Darksky looked down at Crookedpaw.

"Who was your leader?" asked Crookedpaw.

"Riverstar," replied Darksky licking her paw.

"No more time for nursery stories, get back to training!" Darksky's sharp mew made Crookedpaw jump.

"Go on! Keep on climbing those trees!" yowled Darksky. "Get to the top!" Crookedpaw jumped up from branch to branch.

"What happened to your leg?" asked Bramblepaw.

Crookedpaw stared at her leg. She saw dried blood on her leg.

"Its nothing, I think I rolled into the brambles in the den. I didn't feel it." replied Crookedpaw.

Why can't I tell Bramblepaw? Darksky says I must keep my promise! And part of it is not telling my clanmates that I have a mentor in StarClan! At least I didn't fall far from the tree. It hurt though

Otterheart interrupted Crookedpaw's thoughts. "I can fetch some cobweb for your leg," she offered.

Crookedpaw shook her head. "Its okay, it doesn't hurt, Otterheart."

Fleckpelt came back from dawn patrol.

"Alright, lets go hunting Crookedpaw." he mewed.

Leopardkit tumbled out of the nursery. "Can I come? I only need half a moon, i'm big enough!"

"Not old enough," corrected Fleckpelt.

Riverkit then came out. "Can I come too?" she asked. "I'm two whole moons old!" She puffed out her chest.

Fleckpelt sighed. "Lets go before we have the whole nursery chasing us." Crookedpaw nodded as she started to trail out of camp.

Crookedpaw patiently looked at the rivers' edge near the lake. She saw a small fish swimming near the edge.

She put her paws into the water, the fish was strong. It pulled Crookedpaw into the water. She struggled to pull it out but it was pulling her deeper under the river.

Fleckpelt had been calling. "Crookedpaw! Let it go! We can grab it later."

Crookedpaw let the fish go, as it swam further downstream.

She swam up to the surface catching a breath. "Fish guts!" she growled.

Crookedpaw got out of the river and was sopping wet. She shook herself off.

"That fish looks like it is what Piperclaw almost caught when she was apprentice too. Oh, me and Piperpaw had good times." he meowed.

"Stop living in the past." she mewed quietly.

"What?" Fleckpelt came close to Crookedpaw.

"Did I say something?"

"I guess not,"

Crookedpaw sneezed.

"When did you start sneezing?" asked Otterheart.

"When I got out of the river, I was so cold!" Crookedpaw shivered.

"The leaf-bare snow is about to come soon." mewed Firepaw.

Ratpaw agreed by nodding. "Its the right time."

Bramblepaw shrugged. "Maybe the river won't freeze."

"It hasn't been that cold. I've been in different leaf-bares and it was freezing." Twistedjaw said.

"At least it isn't as cold it was last time. the whole river and lake froze. We almost starved to death."

Oaknose agreed nodding. "We senior warriors experienced a lot." Oaknose meowed.

Twistedjaw looked down at Crookedpaw. "I have a broken jaw too. But look at me, deputy of LakeClan. That didn't hold be back at all."

Crookedpaw nodded. "Plus, just because of a broken jaw, does that stop you?" asked Twistedjaw.


"You say no, no one will stop you from your destiny. Mousestar taught me that."

Crookedpaw felt the name ripple through her.

Mousestar! Of course, he is watching me from StarClan. I can go talk to him at the moonstone.

"When is the next time we go to the moonstone?" asked Crookedpaw.

"At least next morning, why?"

"Can I go? I've never seen a StarClan cat before." that was a lie.

"I guess." replied Twistedjaw.

Crookedpaw jumped up with excitement.

I'm going to the moonstone!

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