Chapter 8

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Crookedkit stretched in her nest, yawning. She slowly stood up, padding to Reedkit and Leopardkit's nest.

"Wake up," she pawed at Reedkit. He opened his eyes.


"Today is the day!" Crookedkit said happily.

"Of what?" he asked.

"Do you not know? How could you forget?? Its the day we become apprentices!"

"Oh yeah... I can't wait!" He mewed.

Crookedkit paced around the nursery. "I finally get to train side by side with Bramblepaw!"

Reedkit stared at Crookedkit. "Really? I'm more concerned about my mentor." Reedkit meowed.

"Yeah I agree." Crookedkit said nodding.

Leopardkit frowned.

"What about me?" she asked.

"It will be your time soon." Mewed Reedkit.

Leopardkit pounced onto her brother. "Well? How about my battle moves?"

Leopardkit slashed Reedkit's muzzle, claws sheathed. He pretended to get hurt, as he struggled to free himself.

"Leopardkit, your five moons old. Its almost your turn." Crookedkit mewed. She sat down beside her.

At least I know a StarClan cat. Darksky will make me the best of all the warriors.

Leopardkit pawed at Crookedkit interrupting her thoughts. Leopardkit looked up at Crookedkit.

"But I have no one." she said. "But you have Riverkit!" Reedkit meowed. "And, Swiftkit." added Crookedkit.

Leopardkit sighed. "Really? Is that all you can do?"

"All cats old enough to swim may come gather to hear my words." Icestar called throughout the camp.

Crookedkit rushed out of camp sitting beside Otterheart. Reedkit followed and sat himself next to her.

"Two kits are ready to become apprentices today." announced Icestar.

"Reedkit please step forward."

Reedkit padded slowly in front of Icestar. "Do you promise to train hard every day, and won't give up until you earn your warrior name?" asked Icestar.

"I do," replied Reedkit

"Then from this day forward you will be known as Reedpaw. We give you all the courage possible to be the best warrior you can be."

Reedpaw nodded as he dipped his head toward Icestar.

"And, Leafcloud please step forward." Leafcloud slowly walked forward standing beside Reedpaw.

"Will you take on your first apprentice?" asked Icestar.

"Y-yes." stammered Leafcloud.

"Then please pass on your courage, passion, and discipline." Leafcloud touched her head to Reedpaw's.

"Crookedkit will you train hard and push to the limit until you earn your warrior name?" asked Icestar.

"I do," replied Crookedkit happily.

"Then until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Crookedpaw. And, please show respect to your mentor, Fleckpelt."

"Crookedpaw! Crookedpaw! Reedpaw! Reedpaw!" Slowly and steadily the whole clan started to cheer for both of them.

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