Chapter 13

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"Its time!" called Icestar. "We shall go to the Gathering!"

"Bramblepaw, Thorntail, Fleckpelt, Twistedjaw, Piperclaw,"

Crookedpaw was thinking. Would Icestar call me?

"Crookedpaw, Otterheart, Firepaw and Reedpaw."

Relief flooded through Crookedpaw. "All right, everyone is waiting for us!" Icestar started to pad up the trail to the Great Hill, where everyone meets.

They trekked through the marshland, which was once PineClan territory. Crookedpaw closed her eyes shut. She remembered the times with Reedkit, Leopardkit and Bramblekit.

It really felt like a long time ago. After they had trotted past the marshland, she could see the Great Hill up ahead.

"SunClan scent, its fresh. They must of just got there." Twistedjaw meowed. Icestar nodded. "I smell it too."

"Alright, just up the hill, and past a few trees, we will be there." Icestar mewed. Crookedpaw climbed the hill as she reached the trees.

She could just barely see the Rockhill. Once she got in there, Crookedpaw recognized a gray cat.

It was Rainstar, leader of SunClan. He looked bigger than Ashstar. Ashstar had been leader for moons.

Rainstar only became leader after Mousestar died. Crookedpaw felt something knock her to the floor. "Watch where you are going!" she growled behind her.

Crookedpaw then turned around. "You smell of PineClan." she hissed.

The tom was looking at Crookedpaw. She couldn't see his pelt, it was too dark, and he was in the shade. So the moon didn't glimmer its light on him.

"Sorry," he began. "I'm Jaypaw, who are you?" Crookedpaw paused. He had a black pelt.

"I'm Crookedpaw. When did you become an apprentice?" she asked.

He didn't reply. Then, he opened his mouth to speak. "I was apprentice for 2 moons."

Crookedpaw understood, nodding her head. "So you have been to a Gathering before?"

Jaypaw nodded. "My mentor is Ivyshade. She is over there." Jaypaw pointed his nose toward the bright ginger she-cat speaking to Firepaw.

Crookedpaw looked back at Jaypaw. "Why are you called Crookedpaw?" he asks.

Crookedpaw shifted her paws. "My teeth, and crooked." Jaypaw stared at Crookedpaw.



Jaypaw then gets attention of his leader, Ashstar. "The Gathering shall begin!" Rainstar called throughout the clearing.

"So, first things first, what happened during this moon?" asked Rainstar.

"Well, a two kits are apprentices now! Crookedpaw and Reedpaw." meowed Icestar. All the cats from all clans cheered their names.

"Crookedpaw! Reedpaw!" Ashstar silenced them with a flick of her tail.

Crookedpaw was hot with embarrassment. Rainstar started to speak. "Shrewkit and Shykit are apprentices too. Shrewpaw and Shypaw!"

The cats started to chant. Crookedpaw joined in too. Then she saw a cat behind her. She wasn't chanting.

I think its Shypaw! Is Shrewpaw over there? I don't think so. Wait! I'm supposed to be listening right now!

Crookedpaw shook her head. Ashstar was in mid speech. "Well, I lost a life getting attacked by rouges. One of our warriors, Ebonyfur died saving Fernbreeze our medicine cat. The cats from the Twolegplace are really aggressive."

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