Chapter 11

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Crookedpaw was woken up by Twistedjaw. He nudged her with a paw.

"What time is it?" she asks.

"Its dawn," he replies. "We have to get going."

"Hurry, to the medicine den. We need our traveling herbs. Otterheart has them ready."

Crookedpaw sleepily followed Twistedjaw as she ducked into the den.

"Here, eat these." Otterheart handed Crookedpaw a bundle of herbs. She gulped it down wincing at the bitter taste.

"All right, the patrol is waiting. Lets go." Twistedjaw padded out of the medicine den.

Crookedpaw followed. She saw black figures with Twistedjaw. Her mind had focused.

It was, Firepaw Oaknose, Thorntail and Icestar. "All right, lets get going." Icestar padded forward, his clanmates with him.

Sunhigh had passed, and Crookedpaw's muscles ached. Firepaw was keeping up a good pace. "She should be warrior really soon." Icestar whispered to his deputy.

Twistedjaw nodded. "She has been working really hard. Ratpaw too."

Icestar nodded. "After the Gathering, they become warriors."

Crookedpaw was trailing behind. The effects of the herbs were coming in. Her muscles started to feel stronger.

She lifted her chin as she trotted forward.

"All right, the moonstone is just in this cave." It was nearly moonhigh.

Then, moonhigh came. The moonlight shone on the stone.

"Ok, now touch your nose on the stone." Twistedjaw beckoned Crookedpaw forward. She slowly came down in a sleeping position.

She touched her nose to the cold hard stone. She could hear StarClan calling to her.

She yawned, as her mind drifted to sleep.

"Wake up!" snapped a voice. Crookedpaw shook her head.

"Darksky! What are you doing here?" asked Crookedpaw. "Your father is waiting." she growled.

Mousestar was on a different side of land. It was beautiful.

"How come its different over there?" asked Crookedpaw. "StarClan?" Darksky chuckled.

Crookedpaw backed away. She ran toward Mousestar.

"I miss you Willowkit." he meowed. "Now you're an apprentice, Crookedpaw."

Crookedpaw came closer to her father. "Do you love me?" she asked.

"Of course I do! Who said I didn't?"

"Redleaf." she growled. "Your mother will never see past your jaw, ever. But I believe in you. You and Bramblepaw have a great destiny ahead in the future."

Mousestar started to disappear. "I want to tell you, don't trust Darksky! She is a-"

Darksky reared up and slashed at Mousestar. "Shut it!" she growled. She pushed Crookedpaw away. "Don't trust him! He is the one messing with you!"

Crookedpaw couldn't take it. She yowled and woke up.

Firepaw was beside her. Crookedpaw shook her pelt.

Icestar just started to wake up. Twistedjaw stretched beside his leader.

"Ok, are we all ready?" he asked. Oaknose nodded. "Everyone is awake."

Icestar started to leave the cave. "Our clan awaits us!"


Hello people! This chapter is short. But there will be longer chapters. All right, goodbye!!!

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