Chapter 1

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Y/n: *mind* I'm bored

Hey, I'm Y/n.

I live in an ordinary world.

I raised my hand before asking to use the bathroom. The teacher who said I could.

I'm an ordinary person. At least I look ordinary.

As I walked to the bathroom I saw someone get launched out a room. I turned around to not get caught in anything.

The only problem is I was born powerless. At the bottom.

I started to walk to the other bathroom.

This world is filled with magic. Everyone has a power. Mostly everyone. My co-workers and I were all born powerless but that never stopped us. Scout, even with his double jump, he taught himself that, not born with it.

I was snapped from my thoughts as I saw Gavin punching someone else. A lower tier, obviously.

Gavin: do that thing again!

Y/n: Oi!

He looked at me as I interrupted him.

Y/n: you gonna back away or I'll make a necklace out of ya teeth. Bushman's rules

He looked at me before smirking.

Gavin: I know you. You one of the school cripples,  Y/n. What do you think you'd doing? Get back in your place

Y/n: this is my place, a mercenary

He laughed.

Gavin: what do you think you are? You'd never me a mercenary, your never be anyth-

I punched him in the gut before he finished. Then I punched him in the face.

Y/n: take it like a man shorty!

I grabbed him by his shirt before throwing g him at a locker, knocking him out. I looked at the kid who he was bullying, gave him a nod then walked into the bathroom.

Time skip

I snuck out of school to meet John and Sera. John broke his arm and after the nurse left they left school. They called me up and asked to meet them at Woaba Boba.

Sera: so you threw him at a locker and knocked him out?

Y/n: yeah

John: and he didn't fight back?

Y/n: I didn't give him a chance to fight back. Just punched him, picked him up and threw him at the locker.

I heard Sera laugh a bit.

John: it's not funny Sera. If he wasn't fast enough he could have been killed

Y/n: *mumbling* I've been killed multiple times already

John: what?

Y/n: nothing

Sera: yet here he his, still in one piece. Who ever trained you to be that fast must be very fast themselves.

Y/n: yes annoying to. I mean really really annoying

Sera: then I wonder how you put up with him

I took a sip from my drink as John started to speak.

John: who'd you work with before this?

I chocked on my drink.

Y/n: I-I can't mention it. We had any information on the internet about us erased. I can't say anything

Sera: but-

Y/n: If I say anything they will hunt me down



Y/n: I'm going home

I stood up, grabbed my drink and walked out of the building before walking home.

Halfway home I took out my phone and started texting Scout.

Y/n: You there?

Scout: yeah, why?

Y/n: cause I need someone to talk to chucklenuts

Scout: haha that's my line

Y/n: got it Mr. Annoying

Scout: yeah yeah. By the way something from Pyro should show up in your mail soon. Something he got by already had, but wanted to give to you

Y/n: long sentence. What is it?

Scout: a detonator flare gun

Y/n: your joking

Scout: nope

Y/n: well tel him I said thanks

Scout: got it. I gotta go now, see ya

Y/n: see ya

I put my phone away before running home. As I got home indeed I saw a package. I picked it up, ran inside before opening it.

Inside indeed a detonator.

Y/n: Jesus Christ

There was also a note.

Enjoy the Detonator. Maybe it will help with you not having a power

Y/n: Thanks Pyro

I picked up the Detonator and aimed it at the wall getting the feel of it before putting it down.


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