Chapter 8

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I looked out at the empty, dust field. The Turf Wars Ground. Of course I shouldn't be here. There aren't any "wars" going on and it was only me. And it was midnight.

But when did I care?

I had set something I used for training.

I activated a remote on gunslinger before the bread monster from last year appeared. It was a hologram.

I smirked as it tried to attack me. This is how I trained my speed. If I could dodge the hologram, which followed my movement, I trained.

Time skip

I was walking through the halls, texting Sera.

Sera: I just woke up. Good thing I don't have to go to school.

Y/n: lucky

I then felt someone put there hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Arlo smirking at me.

Arlo; i thought I told you to watch where you're going

Y/n: and I didn't listen if you did

I saw him looking at my phone so I put it in my pocket and moved his hand off of me.

Y/n: well "nice" seeing ya again. See ya

Time skip

I felt blood spill from my lip as I was punched into a wall.

???: really that's it?

???: he's a cripple, what do you expect?

Y/n: I'll beat you black and blue you bloody bastards!

I was punched in the side of the head.

???: whatever. We'll be going now

I didn't move as they walked away, letting the healing of the Concheror take effect. After I bit I stood up but I heard a crunch from my pocket.

Y/n: shit...

Time skip

I was walking through the hall, looking through papers, and writing down a reminder to buy a new phone after school. Then I was shoved to the ground.

???: out of the way cripple!

I dropped my stuff, before just standing there, getting angrier by the second.

I looked at my gloves hand before balling it up in a fist and punching a hole through the nearest locker.

It created a large bang, causing everyone to look at me.

I looked at all of them as I took my fist out of the locker.

Y/n: imbeciles

I pulled my glove off and put it in my pocket as i started to pick my stuff up. Everyone was still looking at me.

Y/n: what?! Keep looking at me and I'll shove this forsaken thing-

I motioned to my gunslinger.

Y/n:- up your ass!

Everyone looked at me for another second before turning away.

???: jeez

I glared at the person who said that.

Y/n: you got a problem?!

She looked at me before some red haired dude got in front of her.

Red: what's you problem?!

Y/n: like you would care? Your not a "cripple" you peace of bloody crap!

I grabbed my stuff before storming off. After about 5 steps I turned around to block a laser with my robotic hand, absorbing it power into my hand.

Y/n: if any of your people had half a brain cell you wouldn't act like you are gonna kill everyone weaker than you, ya bloody shit!

I then turned around and walked away, leaving them in shock.

Time skip

Sera: you didn't call me after school.

I was talking to John and Sera on Skype.

Y/n: my phone was destroyed so I was just at the store, buying a new one

John: so you have all this money saved up and just can spend it this casually?

Y/n: I make a lot

Sera: cool

John: hey Y/n? Where you you yesterday? We were hoping you would be on.

Y/n: i was busy. Let's leave it at that

Sera: your boring

Y/n: yes thank you

Sera: another thing. Why does you accent change? It's like one moment it southern, then it turns Scottish than Australian

Y/n: the people I work with. We have an all American man, a Boston guy, a Texan, a Scottish demoman, German medic, Russian Heavy, Australian Sniper, and French Spy. Then Pyro but we don't even know if he's a boy or girl. I call him "he" as he responds more to it.

John: hey Y/n. I heard you screaming at someone in the halls

Sera: wait this happened?


I laughed nervously.

Y/n: I may have lost my temper for a few minutes. But they deserved me screaming at them, the bloody pieces of shit

Sera: ok ok. Let's take your foot of the swear pedal

Y/n: that's something I would say

Sera: great. Well it's something I like about you. You say or do something yet say or do something the compete opposite of what you said

I let a small smile cross my face.

Y/n: thank you


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