Chapter 28

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John: Y/n, we're friends. We don't have to do this

Y/n: well I do still hold a grudge back during my time at New Bostin

He froze.

John: what?

Y/n: do you remember the kid who always avoided you using the shadows? The kid who you beat up if you found him? Yeah, that was me. I just suppressed that all under my new tragedies but because of what you've been doing it resurfaced

He then looked me over before chuckling.

John: you know weapons I don't block. You're still pow-

Y/n: Pyro!

John was then airblasted at me and I shot him in the chest with my gun.

He landed on the middle of us and turned to look at Pyro.

John: what?!

Y/n: I have two abilities. Respawn and summon. Respawn is just as it sounds, I die and I respawn. My other is being able to summon a ghostly image of one, sometimes 2 and even rarer all of them, of my teammates. The good thing about it was it was forced into me. So, you can't copy it

Pyro disappeared.

Y/n: now the problem for you is-

I activated my dead ringer, turning me invisible.

John POV

???: who's the real Y/n?

I turned around and saw no one.

???: over here!

I turned around and saw two Y/n's! They then started running in a circle with each other, and soon enough I couldn't tell which was which anymore.

Y/n1: now who's the real Y/n?

I blasted each Y/n with a beam of energy and one collapsed to the ground and it went through the other.

???: smart

His accent changed to a French one and a cloud of smoke covered him.

I felt someone punch me and I turned around to retaliate

I turned to punch but I was blocked by a baseball bat.

???: what's up chucklenuts!

This wasn't Y/n! He acted like him and wore the same clothes, what seemed to be Y/n's uniform but it definitely wasn't Y/n. He had blue eyes compared to Y/n's red eyes.

I was hit over the head with the baseball bat and the person disappeared.

Then an explosion hit me.

???: Screaming eagle!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

I looked up to see someone flying over head. Someone else dropped off and I saw it was Y/n.

He hit me over the head with a shovel.

Y/n: who bitch

I grabbed him by the throat, all mercy gone and started pounding his face with my fists.

I would have continued but someone hit me in the side. Whatever hit me exploded sending Y/n, from my grasp.

I looked and saw a black man with a stick and shield.

???: here ya go lad

He gave Y/n the shield before chugging a bottle of alcohol and disappearing.

I was about to get up but felt something inpale into my shoulder.

???: my diagnosis? Your dead! Haha haha!

He tried to punch the person but Y/n hit my with the shield.

I tried to get up but I was hit over the head but someone much stronger.

???: I will pound baby man into the ground!

I was being punched over and over and I saw another man walk over to me and hit my with a wrench.

???: stop trying partner. Your just gonna hurt yourself

They both disappeared and I was able to get up. Then I felt something splash on me.

I looked down and saw my clothes were yellow.

???: nice one mate

I turned but only saw Y/n. He shot his flare gun at me but I blocked it with Arlo's shield.

John: you're out of tricks Y/n!

Y/n: still have one more!

John: oh

He reached behind his head before pulling off a shield. It just appeared out of nowhere an dit looked like crocodile skin.

Y/n: get up and fight like a man!!!

I did and I shot a beam of energy at him. He blocked it with both shield and so i tried lightning.

It worked better so I continued until he was on his knees.

So I walked over to him.

He pulled a pistol on me but was weak enough that I pushed it away.

John: you should never have challenged me!

He stayed silent.

John: answer me!

Y/n: I'd rather die over and over again

Consumed with rage I started punching him over and over with my good arm.

Soon his face was nothing but covered in blood.

I did it. No more hierarchy! No more inbalance!

Time skip

I was leaning against a wall, the others next to me.

I felt warm tears in my eyes.

Y/n: sorry I failed guys. I tried, but there is not second place in a fight

I almost broke into tears but someone hugged me.

Sera: we'll, we'll figure it out Y/n. I promise

I looked at the others and they nodded.

Y/n: then we must dethrone the un-dethroneable. Somehow

Book 1 end.

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