Chapter 21

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I was chained to a surgical table. It was stuck to the ground, so it didn't move.

I tried to comprehend what had happened on the last 24 hours. I was kidnapped, chained down and possibly worse. I was knocked out and found myself on the table.

???: ah yes. My new experiment

I looked around before seeing a man with a white coat on and blue gloves. A man who helped kidnap me. I think they called him medic, though my head was a bit fuzzy.

I tried to break out of my chains and attack him. He took out a bonesaw and stabbed me in the arm. I screamed.

Medic: don't try zhat again. Or it vill be worse

Y/n: why am I here?

I tried to stay calm but the pain blood loss made it hard.

Medic: we are going to break you and turn you into a beast of death. My previous tries have failed. But I have a good feeling about it now.  And you are just someone no one vill miss. We killed you family before hand that day. No one vill save you

Time skip - 1 month

I've been staying strong since I came here. They've done everything they could so far, I hope. They've been injecting me with shit. And when it enters my blood it starts to burn like it's on fire.

And that man, Medic has hooked me up to multiple machines. They've electrocuted me, burned me, stuck me in the cold and heat. And they've been killing me.

My ability has saved me. The power to respawn. But they say I have another that they vi-will unlock. And to much exposure with Medic. I sometimes say vill and not will. It's not fun.

Time skip - 2 week, 5 days

I had a small glimpse of a man today. But he wasn't wearing blue. He was wearing red. He looked like the man who sometimes worked with Medic. He wore a helmet and had goggles on, just like the blue guy.

He saw me and looked at me in shock. In the past week I've been beaten bloody and stabbed and other timings but I've been kept alive.

Someone, anyone. Send help. I don't know if I can last to much longer.

Time skip - 1 week, 2 days

I've lost hope.

They haven't broken me but I haven't been able too fight back as much as I use to, when I first came.

As I laid chained to the table, just defeated. Medic and Engineer, as I learned he was called, didn't show up.

The barged the door from the inside before. I didn't know why.

But then I heard banging. The makeshift barricade fell to the ground and I saw a big man walk in. Followed by Engineer and Medic. The Engineer walked over to me and took out a wrench.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the beating until I fell to the ground.

Engineer: come on partner. We're getting you out of here

I looked up at him and saw he was not blue, but red.

Flashback end

I shivered still, thinking of everything that had happened, even when they saved me. They still managed to scare me then but I managed to by pass my fear of them. But those memories still haunt me, to this day.

Time skip

I was whistling as I walked to school. I took my secret path, which I found by accident. And no one else knows about it.

I kept it secret so if I needed to have a bit of time alone on my way to school, I could have it.

Arlo POV

I just looked at John and Seraphina. So Y/n, I don't even know how, managed to get a single slip of paper to me. It just showed up in my bag.

But what it said amazed and confused me. John was one of the strongest people here! There was even a photo to prove it. And yet...

...he plays the cripple part, like Y/n did.

And just seeing the two strongest people here turned to cripples. Unacceptable.

I walked forward to intervene when I saw a red blur hit Zeke in the shoulder and cause a small fire in his shoulder.

He yelled in pain as he quickly went to pat it out.

Zeke: ok who did that?

Another blur went past his head. I then noticed what it was. A flare.

Y/n: I've had enough of your bull Zeke!

I saw Y/n walk up to him, his flare gun on his belt loop.

Zeke: and what are you going to do about it?

I then heard a small engine come to life. I looked at Y/n and saw his robotic hand started to spin at high speeds. Like really high speeds.

Y/n: run

I saw fear appear on his face as he turned and ran.

Damn. Y/n has had it. And no one knows he's the true king still.

His hand slowed down and came to a stop. He then started to walk away and I heard him mumble.

Y/n: I hate everyone right now


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