Chapter 9

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I hope you're all enjoying this book.


I was walking through school, with my lunch, going to eat on the roof. I was still trying to figure out why Sera was offline last night.


I turned my head around to see someone rushing at me, his hand glowing red.


I sighed at I threw my lunch up into the air before slamming my try into his face. I then caught my food back on my tray.

I looked at him, who was bleeding on his face and was kneeling in the ground.

Y/n: don't dare do that again

A few minutes later I opened the door to the roof top. Then I saw Arlo.

He turned around, I assume because of hearing the door open and saw me. I shook my head to myself before sliding my food on the part above the door and climbing up to eat.

Y/n: why the fuck are you up here?

Arlo POV

This kid. This fucking kid. I looked at him and saw a smirk on his face at he texted someone. Wait! I thought they broke his phone? Doesn't matter. But his smirk combined with the glare he still wore, it was exactly like in his photo.

Arlo: I should be asking you that. This area is for Royals only. Commoners like you sho-

Y/n: I'm gonna stop you there. Am I in your "space"? No I'm up here. So piss off

Arlo: you need to leave

Y/n: no I don't

I grew a glare and I saw his smirk grow, but he just kept eating.

Arlo: maybe you didn't here me right.

This guy's attitude really throws me off.

Arlo: you really aren't afraid of what I can do?

Y/n: I've been through hell before, anything you throw at me I can take.

He got off the top before putting his try under his arm. Then he reached into the bag he was holding before taking out...a wrench?

Y/n: welp time to go

He held it above him and i saw red sparks grow around it before he disappeared in a ball of light.

He talks how he wants, does what he wants and doesn't care for consequences. Y/n, what were you during this 'job'.


I opened my locker from inside and walked out of it. Then I turned around and closed the teleporter I had set inside my locker.

Y/n: fuck you Arlo

Time skip

I got back home with a few new bruises from a fights at the end of the day. And I couldn't help think about what has happened. It's been the same for a year and a half now. Go to school, get beat up, go home. And by go home I mean go back to the house I lived in.

I opened the door to my house to go in. I sighed and dropped my stuff on my couch.

All people do in that school is beat the weaker up, like the shit they are.

I went over to my computer and opened it up. Sera was still offline.

I looked at tiny other contacts, my friends back at red. I clicked on Engie's name as he and Scout the only one I could talk to and have a normal conversation, talking about stuff that has happened and not gun fight or weapons.

Engie: hello?

I was broken from my thoughts hearing his voice.

Y/n: hey Engie

Engie: what's wrong?

Y/n:'s nothing

Engie: alrighty then but I do have something to say. You know the group EMBER? Actually drop that, of course you would

Y/n: yeah. Something wrong with the group?

Engie: I've been looking into Gray Mann and his contacts and I found out he may have some type of partnership with EMBER. What helps that fact even more is when Spy went into his company he found that EMBER logo on the backs of a few robots but not the ones we've fought

Y/n: so your saying?

Engie: we may need you to 'look' into this for us, but look into EMBER.

Oh sweet Jesus.

Y/n: don't tell me what I'm thinking. Is it really that bad?

Engie: yeah it's that bad. You don't have to but A. We would appreciate it and B. you will get paid for this. You'll just use your uniform but we'll teleport you a mask so they don't know your face

Y/n: interesting

Engie: and another thing. We've 'acquired' a few robot blueprints. I've tried to build them but they're more complicated than a sentry. So we'll teleport you those too

Y/n: great....

Engie: quit your sarcasm!

Y/n: fine

Engie: good. Well I'll be going partner. Have a good night

Y/n: same to you

I heard my home teleporter start up and I turned around to see a box teleport in. I turned around but found Engie already closed the Skype.

I walked over to the teleporter and grabbed the box before bringing it back over to the table. I opened it to see a red demon mask and beneath it was blueprints. And there was also a fat wad of cash, my paycheck.

Y/n: welp...time to get to work


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