Chapter 12

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I opened the door and groaned as I saw Arlo for what? The 5th time? Or is it 6th?

Arlo: you still have guts to come up here

Y/n: I have more than guts. You don't know what I've been through

Arlo: being bullied in school isn't that bad

Y/n: I don't mean in school. I mean outside of it

I climbed onto the roof, above the door before lying there and texting John.

Arlo: It's going to surprise you but I need something from you

Y/n: and why me?

Arlo: reasons. But I am doing a few errands today after school. I want you to help me

Y/n: and what are these errands?

Arlo: errands

I thought for a moment. I texted John the question and he answered like this.

John: if he's being nice to you take it as a gesture. Maybe he means it

I thought for another moment.

Y/n: fine

TIme skip

I walked out of school holding my guitar case and my backpack slung on one shoulder. As I walked out of the gate i saw Arlo waiting there.

Arlo: your finally here

Y/n: shut up. I had to get something from home

Arlo: you never left school

Y/n: its called having a personal teleporter in your locker. Now where to?

Time skip

We were on a subway. I was playing my guitar, singing a song Engie taught me.

I saw a some people walk over to me and put some change in my case. A little extra pocket change never hurt. A few people applauded after i finished.  After playing a few more songs I was taught Arlo finally spoke.

Arlo: this is our stop

I nodded as i packed up my guitar and followed Arlo off the train.

Y/n; so where is this?

Arlo: Weston Tuff ground

Y/n: and why are we here? And more importantly who's ass am I gonna have to kick

Arlo; no ones fighting. I'm just meeting up with some people. Plus who would even fight you?

I rolled my eyes as i followed him up to the dusty ground. We walked for a few minutes before I saw two people.

Y/n: wait...

Those are the people who broke my last phone!

I was lost in my thoughts, only to be broken from them as i was shoved to the ground. My stuff was ripped from me and tossed a few feet away.

I looked up to see Arlo smirking at me.

Arlo; suprise!

I was pushed onto my knees, my hand pinned behind me and my head pushed onto the dirt.

Y/N; Arlo, you self centered, backstabbing, shit bag!

Arlo; and what can you do now?

I started thinking of my options as he talked.

Arlo: its just us. No one around for miles. Enough time to ingrain this message into your head...

I stopped listening as i saw something sticking out of the ground. My hologram! Just need to activate it.

Arlo POV

How long is it gonna take for you to break?

Arlo; remember this. You are nothing. You will never be anything. You are at the bottom. And you will stay the-

I heard a massive roar from behind me. I turned around to see a massive bread with green tentacles.

Arlo: Y/N!

y/n; yes? Oh that. You see its my pet. I keep it out here for reasons

I sent tentacles whipping at me and as i activated my barrier it just fazed through both my barrier and myself.

Y/n: and its a hologram

I disappears and i turned around to see Y/n grabbing something out his guitar case.

Arlo; Get him!


I saw the two rush at me and i used the detonator to launch myself over them.

Y/n: i could use some help Heavy!

The girl rushed at me, her ability demon claws. But she didn't get close as she was stopped by a barrage of bullets.

Heavy; I was told we would be fighting men! Not babies!

I turned around before rushing towards Heavy and getting behind him.

Y/n; Arlo and friends, meet Heavy! And Heavy show them Sasha!

Heavy; Gladly!

He pointed his minigun at them as i detonator shot myself over him and into the air. I put my shotgun in my right hand as went for Arlo.

Arlo; is this your ability?

Y/n; fuck off!

I pointed the shotgun at him and fired but it was stopped by his barrier. I then felt a barrier surround me and start crushing me,

Arlo; you have 5 second to apologize or you will die

Y/n: I'd rather die!

Before he could do anything I turned my shotgun towards my own head and pulled the trigger.

Arlo POV

I walked as he killed himself.

Arlo; Oh my god...

I caused someone to kill themselves. And it wasn't that stupid watch either. No. I could tell this was a real death. Not a faked one.

I lower the barrier and saw the fat man disappear. Then I heard him

Y/n: I'm back!

I turned around to see a mess of red sparks surrounding Y/n.

Y/n: and this is your end

I saw his eyes glowing red.

Arlo: so you do have an ability

He didn't speak as he drew his flare gun and shotgun. Then I realized something. All I did was piss him off. And I was about to get my ass kicked.

Y/n: you're gonna fucking die Arlo!


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