Chapter 13

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Thank you @Grimafellheart for drawing Rhogar. Check out the story on his account as it had the picture he drew!


I glared at Arlo after a respawned. He did this to himself. He deserves it!

I rush at him and shot my gun point blank but he blocked it with his barrier.

I tried to detonator shoot him but he blocked it again.

Then I felt a searing pain across my back and arms. I looked behind me to see demon girl, Meili. I just ignored the pained and I turned my attention towards her.

I clipped my Detonator to my belt and rushed at her, shooting my last two shots at her then reloading.

Y/n: you shouldn't have done that shit head!

I ran as fast as could, reaching her in a matter of second before shooting her leg and kicking her head and knocking her out. What? You thought I would kill her? No, I only kill Blu mercenaries and robots.

I then turned back towards Arlo but I was hit with a bunch of wind, like an airblast.

I turned towards him and ran at him, like I did with Meili, shooting his leg and kicking his head.

With those two out of the way I turned towards Arlo.

Y/n: your grunts can't protect you know. But-

I sling my shotgun onto my back. I started walking towards him.

Y/n: because it now 1 on 1, I always enjoy a far fight

Arlo: then drop your weapons

I looked at him and pulled my shotgun off my back and threw it to the side. Then I grabbed my Detonator and threw it with my shotgun.

Y/n: I'm not taking off my hand. And another thing, let's make a deal

Arlo: and what is this deal?

I saw him glare but smirk towards me.

Y/n: after this happens, regardless of who wins, we never speak of this again

Arlo: why? Because you don't want people to know about this?

Y/n: part of the reason. I also A. Don't want people to know what I can do, and B. If I win I won't be a good king

Arlo: hey you can rise to the top if people knew what you could do

Y/n: but I was never born with powers. Even on my mercenary team, we never speak of how I got powers

Y/n: good. Now let's proceed

I rushed at him before taking a swing. He blocked it with his barrier and I wasn't going to stop him. But I can break it.

I hit it once with gunslinger and it didn't do anything. I hit a second time with gunslinger, once again nothing. I could feel the reflective damage hit me and it hurt like hell but I knew what would happen when I punch again. On my third swing red electricity sparked around my fist.

I hit his barrier and shattered it. I grabbed his head as he stood there, I think he was a bit shocked and a bit in pain from his own reflective damage hitting him.

But I grabbed him by the side of his head before pulling his head down and my knee up, smashing him in the face.

I then let go of him as he fell to the floor. He looked up, he nose bloody. I could tell he was dazed just enough to not be able to really move but still hear me.

Y/n: I think I win.

I turned around to walk away from him.

Y/n: I'm sorry...

I walked away from him and picked up my weapons and stored them back in a secret compartment in my guitar case.

I started walking back to the train, but with a limp. God damn everything! But I took my stuff back to the train and headed back to my house.

Time skip

I was still limping as I walked on the sidewalk, nearly home. But the limp was less obvious. But I was bloody as hell.

But I could help think, was everything for nothing? And why did Arlo do that? What did he think he could accomplish? Beating the shit out of me?

Each new question just fueled rage that I haven't felt for a long time.

Y/n: this all is bloody worthless!

I threw my bag in anger and it landed several feet away.

Sera: Y/n!

I looked up to see Sera place my bag up and run over to me.

Y/n: wha? Sera?

Sera: long time no see

I don't know why but I just ended up collapsing onto the ground, passing out. I don't know if it's from blood loss, surprise, or anything else but I do know I passed out.

Sera POV

Sera: Y/n!

I grabbed his body after he fell to the ground. Did he pass out? And he's covered in blood. What has happened since I left?


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