Chapter 11

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Isen POV

I saw it. Glowing red eyes.

And some man saved him. Someone he obviously knew. And I knew Arlo saw it too.

Time skip

I was at my computer looking for more info about  Y/n. I was looking more into this company 'RED'. After I found a small document, that showed nothing but a few unuseful facts, but one stood out. Where he went to school. Some unknown school, to me at least, in New Mexico.

I looked up the school and started looking for things on Y/n. It seemed like everything on him was erased! But after at least half an hour of searching I finally found an old school document.

Name: Y/n L/n
Sex: M
Rank: ???

It showed a photo of him but it said 'missing' under his head.

Isen: missing? And unknown rank?

Time skip

I walked up to school roof to see Arlo again.

Y/n: oh what the fuck do you want know?

Arlo: you have some guts t-

Y/n: shut up, fuck off and let me spent 10 minutes in peace

I sat down, far away from him and closed my eyes, just resting there.

Arlo POV

What are you? You have this power, you act like it yet don't show it. Why?

Time skip

I was walking through the school, looking through my papers, the blueprint for the robots, and texting John. Basically asking if his life during school was any better than what I have done so far. Then as I went to turn a corner I bumped into someone, causing me to drop my papers.

I looked up and just sighed. Then I bent down to pick my stuff up.

Y/n: you know, it seems like your trying to find me

Arlo: and your not paying attention

Y/n: yeah yeah

I grabbed the rest of my things then noticed I was missing a blueprint.

Y/n: hey, I'm missing a pa-

I noticed he picked on up and was looking at it, smirking.

Y/n: give me that

Arlo: what have you been making?

Y/n: it's for work

Arlo: what does your work need a robot with a grenade launcher for?

I tore the paper from his hand.

Y/n: that's non of your concern. You don't know what my job even is

Arlo: well now I want to know

Y/n: well I can't tell ya chucklenuts

I started walking away from him before he put his hand on my shoulder.

Arlo: take that back. You don't speak to your king like that


I moved his arm off of me before walking away. God damn hierarchy.

Time skip


I used a remote to have the demo-bot take a step. Then i made it take another step. It did so with another loud "CLANK".

Y/n: ok that's good

I check off legs on a piece of paper.

Y/n: now arms then head

I activated its arms and it started moving its grenade launcher around like it normally would. I check off arms then I made sure the head was good. It was.

Y/n: and finally firing

I made it turn away from me before I had it shoot. I had loaded the grenade launcher with cans not explosives.

Y/n: perfect. Now go to the teleporter

It walked over to the teleporter and it teleporter back to red base. I took out my phone and started texting Engie.

Y/n: friendly robot incoming

After a few minutes I got response.

Engie: nice work partner. How'd you get it to work?

Y/n: The fuel was the problem. It was fueled by money so I had to change that out, do a lot of inside remodeling and more.

Engie: nice work. Keep it up with the other bots. Also your pay for this is coming.

I looked at the teleport and cash teleported in. I picked it up and put it in a safe in my room.

Engie: so have you decided on if you'll become a vigilant?

Y/n: no. I don't know if I will. I'm sorry

Engie: it's fine. We got a little more. Spy found a serum recipe for some ability altering liquid. How to deactivate an ability is a much easier thing than the one for boosting the power of ones ability. We'll see what we could do for each though

Y/n: good to know

Engie: well talk to you later

Y/n: right back at ya

I put my phone down and laid down on my bed. God so much has happened so fast.


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