Chapter 4

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I set up Skype on my computer, waiting for the others to pick up. After a few minutes Engie finally answered.

Engie: sorry 'bout the wait. Pyro nearly set our side of Teufort ablaze

I laughed at this.

Y/n: that's Pyro alright. Where are the others?

Engie: let's see. Medic is giving Heavy a check up, Demoman said he was visiting his mom, Scout is playing catch with himself, we managed to get Pyro to fall asleep after he nearly started a fire, Spy I don't know, Sniper is practicing his aim, and Soldier is being, well, Soldier.

Y/n: and by that you mean?

Engie: he's being crazy

Y/n: ah gotcha

I then heard Scout in the distance.

Scout: No no no- AAHHH!!

I then saw flames licking at the wood around Spawn.

Engie: Pyro! Uh. I gotta go. See ya

He ended the Skype and my screen went black, the other thing I saw was a reflection of myself.

Y/n: Pyro your crazy

Time skip(I'm VERY to lazy to do the turf wars part)

I was walking through town with John, helping him with his groceries.

John: thanks for this

Y/n: friends help friends

He stopped when we walked by a TV thing seeing the news for another murder. Long story short EMBER killed another super hero, the victim had burns and cuts all over his body, EMBER has killed 4 people this month, and don't become a Vigilant.

Time skip

I was walking through the school hallways looking over my schedule and texting Scout. Then I bumped into someone.

I looked to see a blonde guys with blue eyes.

Y/n: sorry

???: HEY!

I felt someone grab my shoulder.


Y/n: texting my friend my friend. Now piss off


Y/n: I said sorry and I told you to piss off! Now I got a test soon and you just being an asshole!

???: WHY YOU...!

King: is this really necessary?

I took this time to shake his hand off and walk away.


I didn't even turn around but all I did was raise my gloves gunslinger and gave him the bird.

Arlo POV

I looked at him as he walked away.

Blue: h-hey Arlo. Wasn't that the guy you were looking for? Why didn't you take him down? If you want, I can go after him and drag him back here

Arlo: did you notice anything off about him?

Blue: ah, no...

Arlo: if you had no ability, and you just bumped into the king, how would you react?

Blue: er...well if I was a weakling I'd be careful to not bump into anyone... b-because is be scared of getting beaten up...

Arlo: *mind* that's what I thought. But, not only did he walk straight into me when he turned to apologize, I didn't see the slightest hint of fear in his eyes. Like he's been through worse.

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