Chapter 18

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I knocked on the door of the headmasters and room.

Headmaster: come in

I entered the room.

Y/n: hello sir

Headmaster: ah, Y/n. What brings you here today? Please, have a seat

Y/n: with due respect, I would not like to move onto campus

Headmaster: this is not your choice. After school, you will move your belongings , and Keene will help you bring your stuff to where you will be staying. Here you'll be under protection of staff

Y/n: I can take care of myself. I don't need added protection

Headmaster: I can't say that after what happened Friday. My top students were injured by outsiders. They have your house marked. I don't care about if you can take care of yourself, it's not safe there

Y/n: then I can get money for a new house. I don't see a reason to move me onto campus with the same people who hate me. Sir please-

Headmaster: no. You'll move into the dorms. That's final. You are dismissed

I sighed.

Y/n: ok sir. But I can get my stuff by myself

Headmaster: then that's your choice

Time skip

after talking with John and Sera during lunch I left them to get rid of my garbage. As I went down the stairs, I saw someone being pinned against a wall, being punched over and over.

I suppressed my anger and want to punch the person to death but I suppressed it to just a few punches over his head.

Time skip

I knocked on door 311. The door opened to reveal...


Y/ minute please

I dropped my stuff down before heading outside. Putting my climbing gloves on and getting onto the room. Then I cursed my heart out for the next 10 minutes.

Time skip

Sera: Blyke, huh? Not the worst

John: sucks for you

Y/n: shut if helmet head. And for Blyke. Never liked him anyway. How's he's Jack I don't know nor do I care

Time skip(lots of time skips)

I was walking away from school, back to my room, when I moved my head to the side to avoid a punch. So I grabbed his arm and slammed him onto his back.

Y/n: don't try

Zeke; so you do have some fight in you

Y/n: piss off mate

Zeke: don't be so hostile. Where just here to exert our greetings. Welcome to Weston's boys dormitory-

Y/n: look if you want to try and beat me up then shut up and do it already. But if not I have things to do

I turned around but he grabbed my shoulder. I took Medic's pen from my pocket.

Zeke: look you're on my turf now. So you'll be following my laws now

Mardin: yeah. Zeke is the strongest on-

Y/n: Arlo is strongest guy followed by Blyke and then Isen. So if you think you can be called the strongest your a fucking idiot. Now shut up and get the bloody hell out of my face!

Zeke: well this is MY turf. You will call me King now

Y/n: and I said fuck off

He grabbed me around my throat before raising me and inch up. He's only taller than me by an inch.

So I took my pen before stabbing it into his hand twice. He dropped me as the two stab wounds did me plenty.

Y/n: your the "king". Then can you beat me will I'm ubered?

I clicked the pen and I glowed solid red. As Zeke tried to punch me he only hurt himself more.

Zeke: what the hell!

I grabbed him, punched him in the gut then kicked him in the dick.

Y/n: now fuck off!

I forced him to his knees before kicking him over the head. I then started to walk away but after a second I had to turn around to punch Mardin square in his nose.

Time skip
Blyke POV

I heard banging from Y/n's room as soon as I entered the dorm.

What is he up to in there?

I walked to his door and opened it enough for me to look in.

I saw Y/n, holding a wrench, and working on a...robot with a minigun?!?

Y/n: hi Blyke

I panicked and closed his door quickly. He knew I was there?!?

The door opened and I saw Y/n holding his wrench looking at me.

Y/n: I'm not gonna kill you. This robot it for my job. I'm sending it to them when I'm done

He closed the door and went back to building it.

I just thought one thing.

Oh shit...

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