Chapter 17

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Sera POV

Arlo: so your powers don't work anymore?

I nodded. I turned around and saw Elaine walk out of his room.

Elaine: he wounds are healed but the gash on his face won't completely disappears. It won't be as noticeable though

Sera: thanks. And is he up?

Elaine: no, he might be up soon though, and he did stop mumbling

She sat down and I could tell it took a lot of effort to heal him up.

Elaine: so you two were attacked on the streets, in an alleyway. And he protected you?

Sera: yes

We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes. I then looked at them.

Sera: can you guys stay the night here? Make sure he recovers?


Arlo stayed silent.

Sera: thanks Elaine

I got up to get a drink and as I walked into his kitchen I noticed something on his table. His computer. And it was open.

I walked over to it before realizing it was on his contacts. It was on Engie.

I thought for a minute before clicking on it and bringing it to the main room.

Arlo: is that Y/n's computer?

Sera: it was open and on his contacts. I met one of his friends. Maybe they could help us

I sat down as the others moved closer to look. Then it turned on and I saw a man with goggles and a hard hat.

Engie: hey Y/-

He noticed us all. Then his faced turned angry.

Engie: where's Y/n!

Sera: I'm his friend, Seraphina. This is Elaine and Arlo. And Y/n...well it complicated

Engie: what do you mean by complicated?

I stood up and walked into his room, showing 'Engie' Y/n.

Engie: what happened...who did this

Sera: we were attacked today. He took a knife and passed out

Engie: can you get me the knife?

Sera: we have it but-

Engie: there's a teleporter in the corner, by the TV. Put the knife on it and I'll do the rest

I stood still for a second, before walking out of his room, put the computer down and put the knife on this teleporter.

Elaine: what are you doing?

The knife floated in the air for a second, before a a small flash and it disappeared. I heard Engie mumble to himself. Then spoke to the rest of us.

Engie: I'll get you results for this later

I turned around and saw the chat ended.

Time skip

I woke as I heard a crash from Y/n's room. Then I heard grunting and crashing around his room.

Arlo: what?

He got up and ran to the room, opened it. I got up and ran over and saw Y/n fighting with someone person.

Y/n: get out of my house!

He managed to grab the person before throwing them out of the window. He started panting and turned, seeing us.

Y/n: what are you doing here?


After I said that I heard more people outside before I grabbed my toolbox. I then threw it out the window.

Y/n: sentry going up

I grabbed my pistol and shotgun gun and jumped out with my sentry. I had a level 3 sentry put away in my room, I didn't have it set up in case it attacked random people.

As I hit the ground I rolled to break my fall, before I got up and started shooting alongside by sentry.

I managed to shoot a few down with my sentry, but even with the sentry rockets, the people in the van got away.

Once the van was out of sight I slung my shotgun onto my back before picking up my sentry. Then I walked back into my house, putting the toolbox back into my room. I just stared at the 3 people in my house, Sera, Elaine, and Arlo.

Y/n: yo

Sera; d-did you just wake up?

Y/n; more or less. Why's Elaine and Arlo here by the way?

They just looked at each other confused.

Sera; i asked Elaine to come here to heal you and she brought Arlo with her

Y/n; got it

Elaine; how are you not scared?!

Y/n: hm?

Elaine; you woke up from you passing, probably getting drugged, and you pick a fight right away! This time I wouldn't be able to save you and that would get Sera mad!

i just rolled my eyes.

Y/n; i'm no longer scared of death. I stopped being scared a long time ago

I just walked away from them, to the bathroom. When I saw my reflection I see a large wound, a bit high on my check(Think from the top of your ear and end when its about an inch away from the bottom of your nose).

I silently laughed to myself. A scar similar to sniper's.

Time skip

The next morning they notified John. I was informed about what happened and started talking with Engie as the others went to inform the headmaster and the nurse, Darren i believe. I was the only one in my house.

Engie; the knife was coated in a fast acting drug. It makes the victim become unconscious quickly, depending on how much and how fast gets in the bloodstream. It slows down the heart, causing a mostly quick death, but if the victim has access to some healing it can be quickly counteracted, but the target will still be unconscious for a bit

Y/n; got it. And what about the deactivation of Sera's powers?

Engie; the serum we found was used on her. We are working on creating the power strengthening serum now to counteract the stuff used on her. If we can get this done soon, we'll give you some in case EMBER manages to do the same thing to you. Just make sure she can wait

Y/n; i'll do what i can

Engie; good. Also with becoming a superhero i recommend bringing a few robots with you.


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