Chapter 16

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I pulled my hood down as I exited the train at turf wars grounds. I was skipping school without anyone knowing.

I came out here, just to think. While I use it as training grounds I also come here when I need to clear my head and think.

So I walked out a few meters before plopping onto my back, starting up at the sky.

Y/n: how am I gonna face Arlo again? Looking at him face to face. Everyone thinks he's still king, yet I'm really the king. Jesus Christ

I sat up and reached into my back before taking out a single beer. I took the bottle cap off and started to chug it. I don't get drunk easily.

Time skip

I gave Heavy a goodbye hug.

Y/n: traveled from New Mexico to stay 1 night?

Heavy: do not question Heavy's motives

Y/n: I'm not! I'm not

I started to laugh as he did his big Russian laugh.

Heavy: I will see you at Teufort Decoy. And I will see you again, maybe Miss Sera

Sera: by Heavy

He got in a cab and drove off, I just walked the car drive off.

Sera: you have some cool friends

Y/n: thanks

There was a minute of awkward silence.

Y/n: I'm gonna skip school tomorrow. I would like to hang out with you and I need to clear my head

Sera: clear your head of what?

Y/n: bad memories

Time skip

I was texting on my phone as Sera drunk her drink. I had my new pistol on me, but also had the detonator. I decided to use whatever I could when being a superhero and no ones going to remember a simple pistol.

Looking over the gun last night, I saw it was handcrafted by the guys, most of the designs as the frame and stuff was handled by Miss Pauling.

I saw Sera stop so I did also. I looked behind us to see a women following us.

She walked up to Sera and asked her the time and stuff.

Then I felt a weird feeling, and I think Sera felt it too as she dropped her phone. But I didn't feel any different, nor did my powers.

A few minutes later I was walking a bit behind Sera. I saw her shaking, a lot, but I wasn't. That women did something to her.

I looked back down at my phone but looked up in an instant as I saw a car nearly hit Sera.

Y/n: did you almost get him?!

Sera: yes

Y/n: that women did something...and I don't like this either

I put my phone away as my hands went to my pistol and detonator.

I saw a few people come out of the car, and start apologizing. But I knew a fake apology when I heard one.

I turned around but didn't see anyone behind me. Then I heard Sera gasp and I turned around to see a man with a needle in her neck.

Y/n: get away from her!

I drew Carver, the new pistol. I named it Carver for all the carvings it has.

But I drew Carver and laid a bullet in the man head, killing him instantly.

I walked up to Sera a took the needle, all it's contents inside of Sera's blood, and pulled it out.

Then I turned towards the 3 people from the car. I drew my Detonator our now and pointed it at them all.

Y/n: explain or non of you leave alive

Sera POV

I looked at Y/n, two weapons drawn at the people. And he spoke in an almost unrecognizable tone. His normal carefree and laidback tone replaced with a hard and tone.

I tried to rewind the injection didn't work. I looked at the people and realized they shouldn't know his name so I used that codename, he has.

Sera: Decoy! I can't rewind the injection

He turned to look at me, me only able to see the left side of his face, before I saw his face turn to pain. He turned around to put bullets in the 3 people. Then he collapsed onto the ground.

I saw a knife sticking out of his side and pulled it out. Then I saw a gash on the side of his check. A large gash.

I pulled my cracked phone out and called Elaine to come to Y/n house and it was an emergency.

As I grabbed him and started bringing him to he house, with his weapons and the knife, I heard him mutter to himself.

Y/n: Medic....please doc....medic?

He kept mumbling words along the line of medic, I need help doc, and I'm dying here.

This made me question who the medic was on his team.

As I got him home, I put him on his couch.

Y/n: please heal me....

I could tell he was hurt, and badly. What made the injury worse was how deep each were.

Elaine: Sera? I brought a Arlo with me. Can we come in?

She opened the door only too see Y/n on the couch. I saw Arlo behind her and when he saw the scene.

I expected a smile or some form joy in Y/n being gone but only saw him become surprised at what happened.

Elaine: w-what happened?!

Sera: please heal him. I'll explain what I can


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