Chapter 6

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If you can't tell I'm focusing more on the reader in this book, while still focusing on What happens in the comic but it just happens off screen.

Isen POV

What the hell...? All the information I've gathered so far...


Gavin: Y/n? He plays dirty. Bluffed me out then knocked me out. And when he doesn't do that he doesn't even fight his battles, he just uses Seraphina

Different Flashback

Crail:, we fought a long time ago. I can't remember...

Lib: he definitely ended up running away though. To scared to face us

Flashback end

Nothing out of the ordinary. How I'd expect a cripple to...

I clutched my head.

AUGH! Stupid Arlo! You're just salty that Seraphina won't talk to you! Making me look for something that doesn't exist! If I don't report soon he'll have my hea-!



He punched Krolik right across the face.

Bluffing his way out?  Not fighting his own battles?

He then walked away, leaving Krolik on the ground.

Running away scared?

Flashback end

No. He didn't run away. He knew what he was doing! He knew what could happen yet still did it!

I grew a smirk.

Time skip

I was walking through the hallway, looking over my papers.

???: Y/n!

I turned around to see Isen.

Y/n: yeah?

Isen: you're Y/n aren't you?

Y/n: no, I'm Batman

Isen: haha. Look. The school newspaper wants to write an article about the life of low-tiers. I want it to be as accurate as possible, so I need to ask you a few questions

Y/n:...sure, I guess. But later, I'm busy

Isen: haha, that's a good one, but it can't wait

Y/n: *mind* should of expected this

Y/n: fine

Time skip

We were in a room with two chair and a table. Isen was sitting in one, across from me.

Isen: glad you could make it Y/n. Please have a seat

I sat down.

Isen: so Y/n. I wanted to make this as accurate as I can, and that involves how low-tiers feel. So please, don't hold back

Y/n: got it

Isen: so first question. Where did you come from?

Y/n: I can answer this a lot of ways. Where did I come from before my job? I can't say I remember. Where did I come from because of my job? New Mexico

Isen:...that's very far

Y/n: no shit

Isen: so is that where you went to school during your job?

Y/n: I didn't go to school during my job. It was a full time job

Isen: got it. So why didn't you continue your job?

Y/n: Well my co-workers found out I never finished school. So they sent me here because it was the best choice for academics

Isen: ok. So how has your experience here been so far?

Y/n: shit

Isen: explain

Y/n: well low-tiers aren't treated well, high-tiers rule with an iron fist, and if your a low-tier you need to avoid EVERYONE

Isen: mmmhhhmm

I saw him start scribbling down stuff. Lots of notes I hoped.

Isen: so what do you do to stay "alive"

Y/n: well I fight back. Because of being a mercenary I don't like following rules and I tend to fight when I can, and only run if defeat is certain. But when I don't fight I stay away, quietly in the background. And I always say the weak should learn to fight back and rebel against the strong-

Isen: hold on. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I still have more questions

Y/n: then if you want answers stop acting like you're gonna shoot me

Isen: what made Weston your final choice

Y/n: I didn't have a say. My friends know what's best for me and I know what's best for them

Isen: but Weston has the highest amount of High-tiers. So why did a cripple come here? And why did people more powerful than you chose this and are your friends in general?

Y/n: in my job we're all cripples. I can only double jump because someone taught me

I stood up.

Y/n: good day Isen.

I walked over to the door before opening it and starting to walk out. But halfway out I looked back to Isen.

Y/n: One more thing. I'll give you a little help for the job Arlo have you. RED, BLU and Mann Co. Remember those things and if you find anything, share the info with too many people I will find you. And I will gut you like a fish

He looked at me, scared, before jotting those things down in his notepad. I then walked out, with a smirk.

Y/n: let's play this game of yours Arlo


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