Chapter 7

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Isen POV

The only sound I heard was the clicking of my fingers on the keyboard. I was watching up Mann Co.

A website popped up showing a company.

"Mann Co. we build weapons and get in fights!"

I gave a small laugh at this. I then opened another tab and looked up "RED".

It showed me a bunch of colors fro red but I kept scrolling through what I saw before I saw the one I think I needed. I opened it before I saw something surprising.

There was a picture of 10 men. Each had their own uniform but I focused on one person. Y/n.

He was wearing a jacket/sweatshirt with rolled up sleeves, a red beanie like hat, black sweatpants with a white stripe going down the side of both pant legs, and he was holding a triple barrel shotgun. He had a glare on his face, but still sported a smirk. But what caught a large amount of attention was his hand. His right hand was robotic!

Isen: I finally found you!

Time skip
Arlo POV

I was sitting across from Isen.

Arlo: it's been quite some time. You better have something good for me

Isen: oh yeah, I got your info. He doesn't lie when he says he's a mercenary.

He gave me the phot he had.

Arlo: that's him? *mind* that's Y/n? He looks completely different.

Isen: apparently. He works as a mercenary for a company named RED. When I asked a few questions, making it seem likes it's for the newspaper, his answers were completely different from what I'd expect a cripple to say. He doesn't care about rules, which is why he hates the hierarchy. He speaks to high-tiers as if they're on the same ground, he fights back and doesn't care who he bumps into. If it weren't for the fact of him claiming to be a cripple, I'd think he actually has some sort of ability. Don't you agree?

I smirked. Then I tore the picture in two.

Isen: Arlo if you give me enough time, I can find out everything about...

Arlo: you've done enough, Isen. I'm taking it from here

Time skip

I felt a buzz from my phone. I looked down to see it was Sera texting myself and John.

Sera: meet me by the school gates ASAP

Small time skip

I saw John jog out of school and go up to Sera as I just walked.

John: what's the luggage for?

Sera: I got a flight in two hours. Elaine ratted me out after all. They decided to send me home for a month

I sighed.

Y/n: well at least it's not longer

John: that's insane!

Sera: yeah, it looks like the situation was more serious than we thought. The authorities seem scared about the high amount of high-tiers dying. They wanted to make sure I cleanse myself of all ideas and don't spread influence

Y/n: well if you ever need a back up place to stay, my door is always open

Sera: thanks. But on the bright side they aren't coming after you. I managed to trick lie-detector into thinking the book came from nowhere! It was difficult getting past her. I almost got caught twice. Thankfully the head master covered for me

John grabbed Sera by her shoulders.

John: Sera! Stop talking about it like it's nothing. What if you've been caught? Your punishment would've been so severe that even the headmaster's reputation couldn't save you!

I grabbed his shoulder.

Y/n: chill out man. It would've been my caught and if I was caught I would have been able to get out of it, somehow

Sera: sorry guys

I heard a horn honk and saw a car pull up.

Sera: oh. That's my driver. Probably my cue to go. I'll text you both when I get home

She waved goodbye and we waved back, as it drove away.

Then we turned back to the school. To be honest, even with my friend John, it felt sadder.

Arlo POV

I was looking down at John and Y/n, but focusing on Y/n.

Blue: hey Arlo. What do we do now that Seraphina is gone?

Arlo: nothing

Blue: what?

Arlo: we wait for news to spread. And wait for the school to break him down...but by bit. We'll see how long his courage lasts without her

Time skip

I was walking outside of the school building, looking over the stuff I have on my phone before I heard a voice.

Gavin: hey you!

Y/n: no!

Gavin: long time no see. I do believe we have some unfinished business

Y/n: well what do you want? Come on. Get it over with

Gavin: well aren't you brave

I didn't even need to turn around to know he rushed at me. Once he got close I grabbed his arm and slammed him, flat on his back onto the ground. I leaned down before doing a great imitation of a mad southern accent, like Engie's when he's pissed.

Y/n: this is what sons of bitches like you deserve

I then left him there, walking back into school. And I had no clue the shit storm I was gonna get from everybody.


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