Chapter 22

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Later that day, after I shot my flare at Zeke and caused him to run like a bitch, but I will say he did have a reason to, I found out someone found Zeke beaten and bruised in the court yard.

I heard a few people say it was me but I quickly shut I down. I told them if it was me I would have at least brought him to the infirmary. Professionals have standers.

Now I was on my computer. Found an article about myself and one about Remi. It was crappy, but people did see both.

But now I was looking for another person to get me known. Name Alana. I'll take her down when she shows herself.

Time skip

As I was walking to the lunch room I heard noise. A fight.

I slowly but quietly made my towards the noise. But by the time I got there it was over and the victor walked off. Didn't even see who it was.

But I saw the loser. The green haired girl that caused Sera to be found out.

I hated her, I truly did. But I do have standards.

I picked her up, supporting her with one arm before getting her to the infirmary. I could tell she was weak. I saw her just struggle to look over at me.

Y/n: I don't like you. Not for revealing Sera. But I will help you to the infirmary

She looked back down. And then she spoke quietly.

???: thanks

Time skip

I was running across a building wall chasing Alana. Remi was close behind me. We agreed, without her knowing who i was and her thinking I didn't know who she was, agreed to work together if we needed. Like right now.

I shot two bullets at the same time from Carver at the women and it struck her in the back of the leg.

She ripped the ground up and used it as cover but Remi got behind her, managing to electrocute her to the ground.

I got of the building, walking over to her. I then saw the women was knocked out.

Time skip

I waited with Remi for the women to wake up. We were in a small building and her arms were tied behind a large metal cylinder like object.

As she woke up she immediately started yelling for us to let her go and who we were.

Y/n: I'm Demon. A superhero.

Remi: X-Rei. Also superhero

Y/n: we need to know. Why'd you inject power strengthening serum into yourself? And where'd you get it?

Alana: why? You want a bit of it?

Y/n: I'm trying to get some to a friend of mine. So he could possibly use it for good and not evil. Plus I don't need any more power. X-Rei doesn't either from what I know. Right?

Remi: correct. And you want to duplicate it?

Y/n: I have my reasons. One reason is so I can send it to friends, get it duplicated and let them use it. It could just save a ton of people if they can stop what they're fighting everyday now

Remi started to talk to Blyke and Isen on an ear piece.

When she stopped she walked over to Alana.

Remi: let's make a deal. You tell us where it came from. And in return we'll let you go

Time skip

I was on a wall, out of most people's vision. I saw a car pull up and a women is a black hat and trench coat walk out.

I started a camera in my mask that was recording. Plus the team was walking back at Teufort.

Scout: she's part uh EMBER?

Heavy: most likely

I readied my pistol and shotgun.

After a few minutes of talking the lady just stabbed Alana through the chest. I saw her hands were claws and glowing orange. Alana was dead. And her wound was on fire.

Pyro; hudda hudda hudda!

Y/n: sure Pyro

I jumped down from the wall, aiming my shotgun at the women.

Y/n: what's up?

I shot everything I had at her but she dodged everything.

Jeez. She's fast.

I turned around but felt myself get impaled.

???: so easy to take down

She took her claw out of my stomach and I dropped to the floor.

Y/n: I' back

Remi POV

She killed them. Alana and Demon! Ember kill even more people! And Demon just made a terminator reference.


I was in a black void, waiting to respawn. The only source of light was a screen showing what was happening by Remi and a counter at the top of it.

I ripped my mask off and put it on my belt. My eyes flared up RED.

I saw Remi getting her ass handed to her.

Y/n: come on

10 seconds left till respawn. Ember was going to kill Remi within 30 seconds!

Y/n: come on!!!!

The counter hit 0 and I respawned at my dead body.

I left my mask off as I walked out into the street.

Isen POV

Isen: he's back!

Blyke: wait, what?!

Isen: Demon. He died and I lost sight on him. But 30 seconds later he's now back!

Remi POV

She burned my arm as I shocked her. I was sent flying back, my arm black. I was leaning against a wall. I was going to die.

I looked up to try to continue fights but I saw Demon back up. And he didn't have his mask on.

He punched her away before running over to me.

Remi: you?!

I can't believe it. The cripple Y/n, a superhero.

Y/n: just let us handle it now. Just get out of danger

He turned around and drew his shotgun.

Y/n: guys! It's showtime!

I then saw several people appear, all them wearing a different uniform, but the theme was red for each person.


Y/n: Ember! You're going to give us that serum of we shall beat the crap out of you and take it by force.

She didn't budge.

Y/n: ok then. Attack!!!!


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