Chapter 2

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I remember when I first came to school, my friends told me to put academics first. I was transferred to Weston Private High School a bit after school started.

Teacher: everyone I know it's easy in the year but we have a new student joining us. Please introduce yourself

Y/n: hello. My names Y/n. No offense but I don't look forward to being here. But I do hope we can get along

I heard a few snickers as I held in my laugh.

My friends made sure I was prepared. If we weren't training I was studying. But it all paid off when the became entrance exam easy. I expected it to be different

I heard the bell ring as I put my notebook in my bag.

???: hi, Y/n!

I turned to see a blue hair girl looking at me, smiling.

???: I'm Elaine. Welcome to Weston! How was your first day so far?

Y/n: good I guess

Elaine: wonderful. So which school did you transfer from?

Y/n: actually I dropped out of school for a year, before the people I worked with found out and forced me to come back.

Elaine: why did you drop out?

Y/n: I don't like saying

She went silent for a second as I slung my backpack on my back.

Elaine: so Y/n. What kind of ability do you have?

The entire room went dead quiet.

Y/n: it's more of a passive ability. I can run fast and double jump and that's about it

She looked at me with a look of horrid as I finished speaking.

Y/n: say what ya want I don't care. Just piss off now that you know what you actually wanted

I then proceeded to leave.

Time skip

I was pinned against the wall by two guys.

Y/n: look if you want to fight I'll fight. But I will kick you ass inward

???1: don't worry. We're not here to fight. We're just here to educate you

Y/n: there's a hierarchy system, blah blah blah, the weak are at the bottom, the high at the top, and can I go now?!

I kicked the dude pinning me in the skin before backhanding him with my gloves gunslinger.

???1: hey?

I punched on other punch before punching him in the gut.

Y/n: I worked for a company who fights each other daily. You think I'm defenseless?

I started walking away before I saw a girl with pink/purple hair. She was looking me. From who I remember in class this girl was in my class.

Y/n: yeah?!

She turned around and walked away.
Dream end

I woke up, hearing my phone ringing. I grabbed it, still tired, and answered.

Y/n: hello?

Sera: hey, I need to make a trip to the mall today. Will you come with me?

Y/n: uh....sure. I needed to buy a new guitar anyway. When will yo-

I heard my door bell go off.

Y/n: and your already here

I got out of bed, got dressed and went outside.

Sera: you play guitar? Why didn't you tell me or John?

Y/n: yes I do. And you never asked so I never spoke

Time skip

Sera was grabbing clothes as I paid for my guitar. You see I didn't need a better one, it's just my other broke. Really bad.

As I put my new guitar in my case I saw Sera come out of the clothing shop....holding a bunch of bags.

Y/n: *mumbling* damn it

Time skip

Y/n: that was easier than I thought

Sera: shopping isn't as bad as you think

Y/n: I mainly came to get new gui-

Some ran past me, bumping into me in the process. I looked where they were going to see a table.

New to it a sign read, "ABILITY GAUGE. Measures from 1-10. Score of +5 gets a prize! $10"

Y/n: hey want to try that?

Sera: no thanks. I hea-

Y/n: I'll pay for it


After a minutes we were at the table, waiting.

Women: What do you mean I only got a 4?!

Man: but m'am you should be proud of this score. It proves you're more talented than the average person!

Women: BULLSHIT! You only gave me a 4 and you're telling me that's good?

I groaned as they argued.

Women: I want my money back now!

Man: m'am you can't just--!

Women: listen to me. If I don't get my money back I'll-

She looked at me, hearing the whirling of my gunslinger. I took off my glove.

Y/n: ma'am please. Either leave now or I'll get the authorities involved

Women; are you looking for a fight?!

Y/n: I'm looking to see what my friends power level is.

I turned to the man.

Y/n: you know I don't want to deal with this shit so just give her money back

Man: but-

Y/n: now!

I slammed my hand down creating a large dent in the table.

He gave back the money and she walked away. Then turned to me and Sera.

Sera: didn't know you had that

Y/n: know only know a sliver of info about me

Sera: great

She let the man grab her wrist as his eyes started to glow. I then saw a surprised look appear on his face.

Man: your power is an 8!

Y/n: nice. And that proves your much more powerful than anyone else

Man: and here's your prize!

He put a stuff teddy bear on the table.

Y/n: well it's yours Sera

Man: now...

I saw his hand reach toward my wrist. I grabbed it with my gunslinger.

Y/n: no. I'm not doing it

Man: o-ok...

Sera grabbed the bear before putting it in her bag.


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