Chapter 24

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The next day I started my search for Sera. I automatically knew she wasn't on school grounds since if someone took her and wanted to keep her hidden, it would be off school grounds.

But I brought my computer, went up to the top of the school and started looking through a list of every student in the school.

Someone or a group of people who don't like her took her. It's that obvious.

After about 20 minutes I heard the door slam open and panting.

I turned and saw John looking over the fence.

Y/n: you looking for Sera too?

John: no shit!

Y/n: I'm sorry

I put a pair of headphones on before I kept looking through student names.

Now what high-tiers would have beef with her?

Zeke and green hair I knew didn't do it, as they were beaten up so badly they wouldn't even be in a position to be able to do it.

Arlo and his friends I crossed off and I knew he would do it.

Same thing with Isen, Blyke and Remi. Good friends with Sera and she wouldn't do it.

John I knew wouldn't do it.

I racked my memory from the time I first came here. Who would hate both me and Sera and use this chance to get back at her?


I searched up names of people Sera has gotten mad at.

I searched up Illena and got it showed she wasn't at school today.

Yeah. Spy and Engie taught me how to hack certain things.

Y/n: bingo

I searched up a friend of hers and it said that friend wasn't at school today either. Then I searched a girl who had made fun of her years ago.

Y/n: so I know two people involved and possibly one other. All I need to figure out is where they are

I thought it through for a moment. Then I came up with my solution.

Time skip

I was back in my dorm room. I was sitting at my desk, a little metal chip and lots of tools around me.

A connected another wire and a little red light started blinking.

I looked at my computer and it showed the location of the tracker.

Y/n: now the hard part

Time skip

Next day I was waiting. I had made a few adjustments, making it so I could just throw it at her and it will stick to her and connected it to my phone.

Now I was waiting in the shadows.

After about half an hour I saw her.

I took my tracker before chucking it at her.

She didn't noticed when it stuck to her shoe. No one did.

I looked at my phone and saw it online, showing me her location.

Y/n: and now, we wait

Later that day I found Arlo.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

Arlo: what do you want?

Y/n: I think I've got something you would want to know

Arlo: and that's is?

Y/n: I managed to get a tracker on someone who I believe, through process of elimination and a lot of memories, would have helped kidnap Sera

He went quiet.

Arlo: are you certain?

Y/n: no. But as I said I got a tracker on her and I'll know is she did help by the end of the day. I'm just waiting for her to get off school property

Arlo: good. But why share this info with me?

Y/n: I would like you to help free Sera if I'm correct

He went mad, but then slapped me across the face. Luckily we were in an empty classroom.

Arlo: you're just leeching off of me! You don't want the responsibility but want the perks!

Y/n: I'm not telling you to help me. I'm asking

He went silent before growing a small smirk.

Arlo: ok. I'll help you. But on 1 condition

Y/n: so we're making a deal

Arlo: yes. That condition is, A. You tell Seraphina, Elaine and I about your abilities and B. You tell us anything we want to know about you. Deal?

I put hands together, balled up in fists except for my pointer fingers. I put those on my lips, very mad about this deal. But, it's Sera we're talking about.

Arlo put his hand out for me to shake it. After a few more seconds of considering I took his hand and shook.

Y/n: deal

I let go of his hand and sighed, putting my hand on my head.

Y/n: what did I just get myself into?

Arlo: a deal you can't back out of

Y/n: no I mean other then that. I'm thinking what is Sera gonna think. We've built trust on her knowing I don't really have an ability. What will she think knowing I lied?

Arlo: now that is something you will have to figure out

Time skip

That afternoon, I was back at my dorm room, keeping an eye on the tracker. Then I heard a knock on the door. Blyke probably.

Y/n: come in

I heard it open and felt something hit the back of my head.

I turned to look and saw he just threw a piece of balled up paper.

Y/n: yeah?

Blyke: just thought you should know, since your chill with me now, more people have been beaten up. More importantly one of those people was Isen

I nodded. He then left.

I looked back at my tools.

I need to do something about John. He can not learn about my ability. No matter what!

He would force me to use it and copy it.

I looked down at my hands. A Spy appeared in my room, being slightly see through.

Y/n: but then-

He wouldn't be able to use it!


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